All our prices are ex works, which means no Vat or shipping, as from the 1st of January 2021 it won’t matter about VAT, there won’t be any to pay this end, only yours on entry, and that puts paid to massive stock on the ground, as 70% of cabins are bespoked.
Next Glulam Timber, if someone tells you they use Glulam logs, you must ask them to provide you with a certificate that the glue used in any part of the building is non toxic, also that the minimum length of log which the glulam board, log was constructed from, for your cabin walls or purlins , what ever, is more than one or one and a half meters, if it is made from small bits of timber, it’s not glulam, it’s called finger jointed, and it’s made from off cuts, so it is not a structural certified log with certification.
The certificates you will need to ask for if they say that it’s glulam this and glulam that, as most of the times they lie:
A glulam Log must be manufactured to GL24 (BS11), GL28 (BS14) and GL32 (BS16) in accordance with DIN and EN norms. so if your guy says , glulam , you say prove it.
if they can not provide these, then they are lying. And it’s not glulam. It means they are selling you walls made from offcuts and not C24 and above graded timber. I am glad we got that sorted out. Please remember this.
The KI range has been copied by all, and even the images have been stolen from our website, and other manufacturers have copied our unique design. this is not a shock to us companies with absolutely no integrity, along with the dealerships just want t earn, and where they get the design or how they manufacture it does not matter to them.
So as you can see this cabin is stolen from our site, and as you can see the price for this cabin is disgustingly high, and please believe me as the designer of this cabin, roof, its a hard cabin to manufacture, the gable ends must match 100% ( Curved apexes).

Then there is ours in 44mm, but you must remember we designed this cabin that happened over many months and we paid a skilled guy to sit for hours daily,actually monthly and years, we have done this, and some back street shed manufacturer thinks its ok to steal our designs.
Pity he does not buy from a good manufacturer or that his prices match ours.

And to top it off, here we go……
His 70 mm is £6190, seriously, not surprised he earned 11.000.000 last year!

Our 70mm ex works is……£ 3648, even with vat and transport, we are still over 1000 cheaper. if you pay us the Vat, but if you buy it with a VAT number ex works you are £2542 in pocket.
But it gets better. Ready…… they are little cabins , and the differences are small, i think £500 notes is a lot, but then I am still in touch with reality.
Check out this bad boy, this is his price for this cabin in 70mm, yep, 70mm, He buys from Ultimate Log Cabins, who sells to a lot of people, like ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and the like, if you go on these sites you will see that even they have stolen our designs, images and photos, even our beloved Aurora Clock House, But what can you do, UK government is the most powerless government in the world, i even think behind somewhere like Chad! So theft, and criminal deeds be them stealing your deposits and going bust and then being allowed to keep the websites, like Trevor Watson did with Beaver log cabins in Ireland, or Geoff Morrow stealing my images and putting them all over his website because he thinks he is untouchable, he is not. he is a thief as like the rest. And now name and shame. Going to shame them all.

So Brian… ,,,,, SouthWest…. £11.783 for a 70mm 7m x 4m……. is someone on some hard core scrumpy, as i hear cider makes you mind do weird and wonderful stupid idiotic things, and in that area of the world it’s the favourite tipple I hear.
70mm Log Cabins OC Range – 7.0 m x 4.0m Clockhouse Dorset 7004 is only, £5172 EX WORKS LT…….. The Best Double Glazed Log Cabins on the market, hard wearing 28mm floor, and a solid 19mm roof as always from FC A standard! Quality Windows and Doors !!!! SO PLEASE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY THIS IS EX WORKS £6611 CHEAPER, IF WE ADD OUR VAT THE CABIN IS ONLY EX MILL £6258, HELLLOOOOOO IS SOMEONE BEING REALLY FUCKING GREEDY!!

That’s enough,,,, time for a cuppa,,, and also time for you all to ponder who is a crook! and why is number one…………..