Category Archives: Timber Frame Glamping Camping Pods


The cabin and timber frame market is sick, not just with greed but with the regulations and the Old Boys Club adding this and that to the rules every now and then, just to make you pay more, and pay and pay and pay. It’s always about money.

I hate to say this, but in the UK you just don’t have any decent timber left, and what you have you should not cut, as there is hardly any left, and most of it is oak, and that was planted by the Victorians, since then, Gordon Brown, Tony Blaire and the rest, planting Trees sadly have been forgotten, war and selling off our gold were only on these mens minds!

England is a mess where forests are concerned, we have built too many high rise blocks, tarmacked too much earth, and cut down too many forests to build council estates and now all you have left is roads, 67 million people and not much else. Scotland is different, as is Wales, but England, its destroyed! Fields and Fields of food produce , fertilizer everywhere, and zero woods, polluted streams, and disappearing wild life. What an amazing picture, so thank God that Russia, Sweden, Finland, Lithuinia, Belarus, and other countries see the value of timber, forests and wild life. Whos the stupid ones????? Who really is behind the times?? And I am a Britt!

My name is a Kevin Langham and I am the inovator, designer, and first manufacturer, of the side entrance quality luxury camping pod ( ever) and i have sold more than everyone puttogether x 10, the first video we released was in 2010, check this video, it has had nearly 500.000 views…………………. Yeah its hard to dispute the truth when You Tube so nicely keeps the records.

I have invented, designed, manufacturer some of the most outstanding camping pods, large and small living cabins, and garden log cabins in existence.

The UK gardens have actually been changed by me, and me alone, I have beeen selling cabins, the first one we sold was nearly 21 years ago, and the people who have taken the credit, be a Dragons Den ” look at me and what we sell” , or a large company who saw 14 years ago that mass manufacturing log cabins was a way of making a lot of money, and then they dumped 200.000 poorly manufactured log cabins into the UK gardens quickly, these companies have taken the lime light, and poor old Kevin plods along still and designs, manufacture and sell’s to different companies, and in turn those companies rename my products, or completely copy it, like Arch Leisure and my side entrance pods, ( my backs up today) and then sell their wares, and use my quality and photos of my pods to sell their crap under the guise of a LV design.

Never purchase anything from Arch Leisure, you just don’t know what it’s made by, and trust me when I say this, he makes at least 50% on anything he sells you! So if its 10.000, you spend 15.000, from me it would be 7000.And my quality is far, far, far superior, as we are house manufacturers, not some guy in a shed, knocking out a few pods a month. And Keith i am almost sure their will be no more 4/5 times a year to Dubi to purchase handbags and other ,luxury wares, you will have to start earning your money honestly and legally.

Be careful whom you purchase from. You will be ripped off. That’s a fact.

If you notice, this company have our designs and photos of our pods all over their website, which we have asked them nicely to take down, this is a way they will con you. and if they were to take down our camping pods their website would be empty. No content, just a few nasty cheap looking pods and toilets.

Your then shown an interior of a pod a long one, all in white, so now ask yourself a question, where is the strength in that wall? Now ours on the left of the page have glulam beams running through out, as the roof needs support, remember that KN values are essential in the UK because of new snow loads which the government directed all manufacturers to use, but as you can see on the right, there are no internal glulam supports, it’s called a luxury pod, it’s a death trap, and a dark one at that. And at £33,500+ REDUCED VAT, a rip off.

Below our Pods, and our Quality

Below my design of an interiour, very church like, very diiferent, very thoughtful, no drama, just peace of desgin and the flowing of powerful strong beams and beauty.

Now a bad, awful, weak, undermade, cheap copy, CRAP!

Designed only to make profit, based on caravan rubbish, BS3632 crap!

Cold, dark, weak, dead, empty and completely and utterly lifeless.

Where is the strenght? Where? Sorry did i miss something.

Super size Luxury Glamping Pods for sale An archleisure copy,…. (crap)

So my rant of the day is done, fed up with the cowboys thinking they can steal and get away with it, Keith, you stole another’s design for profit, i will garenttee that 99% of the descent farmers, and camp site owners will not want a rip off, a copy, and a bad one at that, and a double priced one to boot.,, come to the company that understands how to build.+370 6889 3563 , u can get us on whatsapp. Talk for free and get to speak to the professional Sheaprds , not the sheep!

Archleisure luxury ( glamping pod )

OK lets start dissecting this pod sold by Archleisure and really look at what its manufactured from.Actually it does not say much, just blar this and Blar that, and of course they use TLX silver, which LV were the first to offer, and still do, actually we now offer, Gold, and silver, depending on the customers wishes and needs. But lets study this photo, and by the way if you happen to go to the marjority of the pods he is showing on his website are LV’s , he just went to a cheaper , shed manufacturer to copy our designs after 8 years of doing business, so he could make them cheaper and as you can see, not as well built. If you look at the timber along the side of this pod ( picture below) you will notice one thing very quickly, there are no stress grooves cut into the back of any of the timber, which means eventually it will twist, and that’s bad. Actually its suicide for that particular building. Next i do not see any grading marks of C24 anywhere on any of his production photos, and actually i do not see him say his windows and Trada certified, or that his timber is FSC, or what size glulams he uses. And as there is only one decent glulam mill in the UK, i have a feeling his are not made with certified glulam.

If you want to purchase a quality Camping Pod, and Archleisure this is not the company to purchase from!

I added a page view, just so my old friend Keith could not actually deny that he was selling our designs and decided to rip them off and make a cheap copy of them, but its easy as a customer to find out if this is true just by going to ,waybackwhen, and there all websites copies are held.

Anyway getting back to this pod copying company, which is rather funny actually, as he was so upset when someone stole his arch design, and how everyone was a crook, but when you have very greedy mouths to feed decent Common sense and Chivalry go out the window and greed takes it place.

And the public are fooled into thinking they are buying a quality pod, when in fact they are not, they are buying a copy of a quality Pod! logcabinslv is the best pod maker in the UK and europe thats a fact. everything else on the market is a copy and mostly is crap! If its not manufactured by skilled carpenters, then what your purchasing is not going to last. And no one in the UK can ever get our Northern Siberian Larch Cladding, EVER!!! No matter what they say, they can’t. I have been in the timber business 28 years, and the UK never gets our quality of timber.

So Keith, Mr Archleisure man, who’s website is made up of 90% of my products and you sell inferior to the customers under the guise that they are LV, now the public know.

We do not sell our pods or any items to If you want a pod, and want a company that will actually travel to site, check on how things are coming along, from the first to last day, and will service your pods and help you, and not just earn money by sitting at a desk and expecting everyone else to do the tidying up, then please give us a call or send an email., the company behind the best pods in the industry, we designed them, the rest just copy!

A pod should be manufactured like this…. I am forgetting……….


Camping Pods are only good if they come from LV Log Cabins....

If timber was so amazing for roofing…………… why then are there no houses with wooden roofs? Easy answer, timber is not waterproof, cracks and splits after a very short time, needs to be treated regularly and this is Cedar Clad, which has a lower amount of tanis than larch,and i still would not use larch ever as a roofing material, its solely for claddings. It’s a pity the people who come up with these ideas actually understood timber…..

Thank you for reading…. Do not make a mistake a buy a copy! Buy a good solid camping pod from the guys that started this revolution, the freedom for campsites, don’t feed the guys who only think about cash….. And trust me, they never come when there’s a problem and blame you for everything when it goes badly wrong.

Timber Frame Glamping Camping Pods

Timber Frame Glamping Camping Pods


Glamping Camping Pods are now here to stay, quality levels as always start with cheap and cheerful and go to the sublime.


Sadly, the gene of design seems not to fall far from the tree, and sadly because of this, designs of camping pods tend to be copies of the first originals, and these new designs tend to be somewhat a cut down version to win favor to their customer with lower pricing.


However, as we always say, buy cheap buy twice.


Many camping sites, holiday parks, fisheries, hotels, B&B’s are now looking for something completely different, they want to stand out and offer not just tube like structures, but offer more comfortable surroundings to their guests.


Many now want their glamping camping units to conform to building full building regulations, have fitted CE certified windows and doors, and be completely portable and built to an extremely high standard.


Therefore, as always we have tried our best to design a camping, glamping unit that is manufactured to a very, very high standard, which ticks all the boxes, and crosses all the T’s.


Our Highly Insulated Timber Frame Camping Cabins do not just conform to the UK building regulations, they actually exceed it.


Our New Timber Frame Insulated Glamping Units are not just built to be pretty, they are built to last, with their Northern Siberian External Larch Cladding, massive insulation properties, certified CE residential windows and doors.


Your New Camping Fully Insulated Cabin could be built with this specification.


Exterior walls:

  • Vertical larch panel – oiled – already made panels;
  • Horizontal impregnated battens for vertical panel – already made panels;
  • Vertical impregnated battens 20x45mm c/c600 for air gap – already made panels;
  • Tyvek film – already made panels;
  • Gypsum plate 9.5mm as wind barrier – already made panels;
  • Segments of wooden framework 45x195mm c/c600 – already made panels;
  • KNAUF insulation 200mm – in free lengths;
  • Plastic film 0.2mm – in free lengths;
  • Battens 45x45mm c/c600 for cables and pipes – in free lengths;
  • KNAUF insulation 50mm – in free lengths;
  • 5mm gypsum plate/13mm wooden not treated panel (25%) – in free lengths.



Inside walls:

  • 5mm gypsum plate/13mm wooden not treated panel (25%) – in free lengths.
  • Segments of wooden framework 45x95mm c/c600 and for bearing walls 45x145mm c/c600 – already made panels;
  • KNAUF insulation 100/150mm – in free lengths;
  • 5mm gypsum plate/13mm wooden not treated panel (25%) – in free lengths.




  • 22mm chipboard – already made panels;
  • Wooden framework 45x195mm c/c600 – already made panels;
  • KNAUF insulation 200mm – already made panels;
  • 12mm plywood with laminated bottom side – already made panels;






  • PVC membrane TechnoNICOL – in free lengths;
  • 12mm plywood with lamination on one side – in free lengths;
  • Battens 45x45mm c/c600 along roof rafters for air gap – in free lengths;
  • Diffusion film Tyvec Pro – in rolls;
  • Bended glue-lam beams 100x440mm (140mm visible) c/c1200 (centers due to plywood width) – in free lengths;
  • Precut rafters 45×145+45x145mm c/c600 (the top matches with glue-lam top) – in free lengths;
  • KNAUF insulation 300 mm in the rafters – in free lengths;
  • Plastic film 0.2mm – in free lengths;
  • 6,5mm plywood – in free lengths;
  • 6mm gypsum plate/13mm wooden not treated panel (25%) – in free lengths.


Windows and doors:

  • Windows (3 pcs) wooden frame windows with triple glass package, European-type (opening inwards, with handles), painted.
  • Outside doors (1pcs.):  wooden entrance doors with insulated plate triple glazing with 3-plug quality locks and handles, impregnated, primed and painted.
  • Wooden inside doors (2 pcs) made glued pinewood with impregnated MDF fillings, with simple locks (without handles), primed and painted. Sliding doors.

This kind of quality engineered timber frame glamping cabin is not available anywhere on the web, which is why logcabins LV is the leader, not the follower.

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..


New Camping Pod 2013

Our new camping pod for 2013, as always, is designed for the future! Our new 2013 camping pod will offer your guests an amazing experience. Our new camping pod will also be offered with a separate shower and toilet. For more information, please do not hesitate to give us a call of send us an email.

Cabin size – 6.0m x 2.4m

Window Size – 1x 800mm x 1850mm

Door Size – 1x 1000mm x 1850mm

Ridge height – 2.4m

Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  00 Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  02 Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  04 Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  06 Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  08 Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  10 Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  12 Camping Pod 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv  14

camping pods lv

Quality Camping Pods

Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   011 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   022 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   033 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   044 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   055 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   066 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   077 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   088 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   099 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   110 Camping Pods 6.0m x 2.4m log cabins lv   121

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Always pay with a credit or debit card

  1. Introduction
    • Understanding the popularity of log cabins
    • Buying a log cabin with credit/debit card: Convenience and benefits
  1. Advantages of Purchasing a Log Cabin with Credit/Debit Card
    • Flexibility in payment options
    • Accumulation of rewards and points
    • Protection against fraud and disputes
  1. Factors to Consider Before Making a Purchase
    • Understanding your financial standing
    • Checking the terms and conditions of the card
    • Confirming the cabin provider’s payment policies
  1. Step-by-Step Guide to Buying a Log Cabin with a Credit/Debit Card
    • Researching log cabin options
    • Contacting the cabin provider for payment details
    • Making the purchase securely
  1. Tips for a Smooth Transaction
    • Keeping track of expenses
    • Being cautious with personal information
    • Understanding refund and cancellation policies
  1. Ensuring Security and Protection
    • Utilizing secure payment gateways
    • Verifying the credibility of the cabin provider
    • Keeping records of transactions for future reference
  1. Conclusion
    • Recap of benefits
    • Encouragement for a secure and convenient purchase

Buying a Log Cabin with a Credit/Debit Card

Log cabins have long been cherished for their rustic charm, offering a retreat into nature and a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As the popularity of these cosy getaways continues to rise, so does the ease of purchasing one. One convenient option that has gained traction is buying a log cabin with a credit or debit card. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages, considerations, and steps involved in this process, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction for your dream retreat.

Advantages of Purchasing a Log Cabin with Credit/Debit Card

Flexibility in Payment Options

One of the primary benefits of using a credit or debit card to purchase a log cabin is the flexibility it offers in payment options. Unlike traditional bank transfers or cash transactions, which may require immediate payment in full, using a card allows for the convenience of spreading payments over time, depending on the card’s terms and conditions.

Accumulation of Rewards and Points

Many credit and debit cards offer rewards programs or cashback incentives for purchases. By using your card to buy a log cabin, you can accumulate points or cashback rewards, which can be redeemed for future purchases or other benefits, enhancing the value of your investment.

Protection Against Fraud and Disputes

Credit and debit cards typically come with built-in protections against fraud and disputes. In the unlikely event of unauthorized charges or discrepancies with your purchase, you can easily dispute the transaction with your card issuer, providing an added layer of security and peace of mind.

Factors to Consider Before Making a Purchase

Before swiping your card for that dream log cabin, there are several factors to consider ensuring a smooth transaction and avoid any unexpected surprises.

Understanding Your Financial Standing

It’s essential to assess your financial situation and determine whether purchasing a log cabin with a credit or debit card aligns with your budget and long-term financial goals. Consider factors such as interest rates, payment deadlines, and any potential impact on your credit score.

Checking the Terms and Conditions of the Card

Each credit or debit card comes with its own set of terms and conditions regarding purchases, interest rates, and fees. Before making a significant investment like buying a log cabin, carefully review the terms and conditions of your card to understand any applicable fees or restrictions.

Confirming the Cabin Provider’s Payment Policies

Before proceeding with your purchase, it’s crucial to confirm the log cabin provider’s payment policies regarding credit or debit card transactions. Some providers may have specific requirements or restrictions, so be sure to communicate directly with the provider to avoid any misunderstandings or delays.

Step-by-Step Guide to Buying a Log Cabin with a Credit/Debit Card

Researching Log Cabin Options

Begin by researching various log cabin options to find the perfect fit for your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as size, location, amenities, and budget to narrow down your choices.

Contacting the Cabin Provider for Payment Details

Once you’ve identified a log cabin that meets your criteria, reach out to the cabin provider to inquire about their payment process for credit or debit card transactions. Provide any necessary information and clarify any questions or concerns you may have before proceeding.

Making the Purchase Securely

Once you’ve confirmed the payment details with the cabin provider, proceed with making the purchase securely using your credit or debit card. Ensure that you’re using a secure payment gateway and double-check all transaction details before finalizing the purchase.

Tips for a Smooth Transaction

Keeping Track of Expenses

To avoid overspending or exceeding your budget, it’s essential to keep track of all expenses related to purchasing your log cabin. Monitor your card statements regularly and be mindful of any additional fees or charges that may arise.

Being Cautious with Personal Information

When making a purchase online or over the phone, always exercise caution when providing personal and financial information. Ensure that you’re communicating with a reputable and secure vendor to protect yourself against potential fraud or identity theft.

Understanding Refund and Cancellation Policies

Before finalizing your purchase, familiarize yourself with the log cabin provider’s refund and cancellation policies in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Knowing your rights and options in advance can help alleviate stress and uncertainty down the road.

Ensuring Security and Protection

Utilizing Secure Payment Gateways

When making a payment with your credit or debit card, always ensure that you’re using a secure payment gateway to protect your sensitive information. Look for indicators such as HTTPS encryption and trusted payment processors to safeguard your transaction.

Verifying the Credibility of the Cabin Provider

Before making a purchase, take the time to research the credibility and reputation of the log cabin provider. Look for customer reviews, testimonials, and accreditations to ensure that you’re dealing with a trustworthy and reliable vendor.

Keeping Records of Transactions for Future Reference

After completing your purchase, be sure to keep thorough records of all transaction details, including receipts, confirmation emails, and payment confirmations. These records will serve as valuable documentation for future reference or in the event of any disputes or inquiries.

Buying a log cabin with a credit or debit card offers a convenient and flexible option for fulfilling your rustic retreat dreams. With the right precautions and considerations in place, you can enjoy the benefits of secure transactions, rewards, and peace of mind throughout the purchasing process.