Category Archives: if you are looking for quality then please send us an email or give us a call! Do not settle for less.


The cabin and timber frame market is sick, not just with greed but with the regulations and the Old Boys Club adding this and that to the rules every now and then, just to make you pay more, and pay and pay and pay. It’s always about money.

I hate to say this, but in the UK you just don’t have any decent timber left, and what you have you should not cut, as there is hardly any left, and most of it is oak, and that was planted by the Victorians, since then, Gordon Brown, Tony Blaire and the rest, planting Trees sadly have been forgotten, war and selling off our gold were only on these mens minds!

England is a mess where forests are concerned, we have built too many high rise blocks, tarmacked too much earth, and cut down too many forests to build council estates and now all you have left is roads, 67 million people and not much else. Scotland is different, as is Wales, but England, its destroyed! Fields and Fields of food produce , fertilizer everywhere, and zero woods, polluted streams, and disappearing wild life. What an amazing picture, so thank God that Russia, Sweden, Finland, Lithuinia, Belarus, and other countries see the value of timber, forests and wild life. Whos the stupid ones????? Who really is behind the times?? And I am a Britt!

My name is a Kevin Langham and I am the inovator, designer, and first manufacturer, of the side entrance quality luxury camping pod ( ever) and i have sold more than everyone puttogether x 10, the first video we released was in 2010, check this video, it has had nearly 500.000 views…………………. Yeah its hard to dispute the truth when You Tube so nicely keeps the records.

I have invented, designed, manufacturer some of the most outstanding camping pods, large and small living cabins, and garden log cabins in existence.

The UK gardens have actually been changed by me, and me alone, I have beeen selling cabins, the first one we sold was nearly 21 years ago, and the people who have taken the credit, be a Dragons Den ” look at me and what we sell” , or a large company who saw 14 years ago that mass manufacturing log cabins was a way of making a lot of money, and then they dumped 200.000 poorly manufactured log cabins into the UK gardens quickly, these companies have taken the lime light, and poor old Kevin plods along still and designs, manufacture and sell’s to different companies, and in turn those companies rename my products, or completely copy it, like Arch Leisure and my side entrance pods, ( my backs up today) and then sell their wares, and use my quality and photos of my pods to sell their crap under the guise of a LV design.

Never purchase anything from Arch Leisure, you just don’t know what it’s made by, and trust me when I say this, he makes at least 50% on anything he sells you! So if its 10.000, you spend 15.000, from me it would be 7000.And my quality is far, far, far superior, as we are house manufacturers, not some guy in a shed, knocking out a few pods a month. And Keith i am almost sure their will be no more 4/5 times a year to Dubi to purchase handbags and other ,luxury wares, you will have to start earning your money honestly and legally.

Be careful whom you purchase from. You will be ripped off. That’s a fact.

If you notice, this company have our designs and photos of our pods all over their website, which we have asked them nicely to take down, this is a way they will con you. and if they were to take down our camping pods their website would be empty. No content, just a few nasty cheap looking pods and toilets.

Your then shown an interior of a pod a long one, all in white, so now ask yourself a question, where is the strength in that wall? Now ours on the left of the page have glulam beams running through out, as the roof needs support, remember that KN values are essential in the UK because of new snow loads which the government directed all manufacturers to use, but as you can see on the right, there are no internal glulam supports, it’s called a luxury pod, it’s a death trap, and a dark one at that. And at £33,500+ REDUCED VAT, a rip off.

Below our Pods, and our Quality

Below my design of an interiour, very church like, very diiferent, very thoughtful, no drama, just peace of desgin and the flowing of powerful strong beams and beauty.

Now a bad, awful, weak, undermade, cheap copy, CRAP!

Designed only to make profit, based on caravan rubbish, BS3632 crap!

Cold, dark, weak, dead, empty and completely and utterly lifeless.

Where is the strenght? Where? Sorry did i miss something.

Super size Luxury Glamping Pods for sale An archleisure copy,…. (crap)

So my rant of the day is done, fed up with the cowboys thinking they can steal and get away with it, Keith, you stole another’s design for profit, i will garenttee that 99% of the descent farmers, and camp site owners will not want a rip off, a copy, and a bad one at that, and a double priced one to boot.,, come to the company that understands how to build.+370 6889 3563 , u can get us on whatsapp. Talk for free and get to speak to the professional Sheaprds , not the sheep!

Log Cabins LV 2016


Log Cabins- cabins- cabin- timber buildings- quality buildings- deluxe Log Cabins-timber sheds

Log Cabins- cabins- cabin- timber buildings- quality buildings- deluxe Log Cabins

Are you looking for a log cabin that really is a cut above the rest, a log cabin that truly is built to last?

We say in the industry, buy cheap buy twice, and this is completely directed towards all the bulk manufacturers that manufacture cheap off the shelf log cabins, (if that’s how you describe wasting pallet timber).


Log Cabins LV is the only company that actually has a Deluxe Standard Range. I know this is a crazy way of describing a Deluxe Range of log cabins, but they are Deluxe Cabins, fully specked out, with all the bells and whistles and we have decided to sell them as a standard range.

Oak thresholds, Residential Double Glazed Tilt and Turn Windows and Solid, Residential standard doors, fully insulated with CE-Trada Certification.

There is absolutely nothing better offered any where as a standard log cabin.

Plus not forgetting over sized purlins and a cabin that is truly manufactured by one of the most successful, skilled manufacturing plants of log cabins in this end of the World!


I know this is going to infuriate all the other manufacturers, as they will now need to go back to the drawing board and work out how they can offer to their customer base such a very high quality standard log cabin with everything we have, and compete (They can’t and won’t)


As I know, there aren’t any Log Cabin manufacturers on the market that manufactures Joinery Glulam Residential Trada, CE certified Windows and Doors.

So! Why? Is our deluxe range of Log Cabins so much better than the rest?


Firstly, we have more experience than any other manufacturer at manufacturing log cabins, we do not just mass produce 45mm log cabins as a business unlike 99.9% of the industry, we also manufacture Hand Made Norwegian Log Cabins, which are made using chainsaws by our highly skilled staff, Timber Frame Housing, Passive Housing which we supply to the Norwegian market sizes vary from 150 sq meters to 450 sq meters approximately 6 to 8 houses monthly!

Our Camping Pods which adorn so many camps sites through out Europe, we have fitted out 2 parks with over 100 pods, making us the largest camping pod manufacturer in the business.

Also BBQ Huts, our Huts are with out doubt the most reasonably priced BBQ huts in the business.

With their ergonomic walls, makes having a BBQ in your garden positively Fun and incredibly comfortable!


Secondly, we have invested heavily into training our staff; we now have highly skilled work force of joiners, carpenters, and operators, plus investment into CNC machinery which then truly turns our timber supply from raw material into positively amazing high quality Windows and Doors-Dwellings-Log Cabins-Camping Pods and so very much more!

If you are thinking of purchasing a log cabin, need help? Want and chat?

Please do not hesitate to give us a call! We have the most skilled dealers in the UK-Europe!

Log cabins LV the sensible choice!

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..
