Author Archives: logcabinslv

The UK, FC and LV and Design!

I am in love with my Clockhouse

Over many years of manufacturing and design, Factory Cabins has brought to the European Garden Market some amazing quality Log Cabins, Scandinavian Cabins, Interlocking Buildings, Twin Skin Log Cabins, Timber Frame Buildings, Camping Pods and much more.

We always strive to push quality and design first, as great pricing comes from understanding your manufacturing process, and as one of the fore-fathers of log cabins we really understand about how to conserve timber, but never allowing that to effect safety of design.

Our CEO and the designer behind the Clock house Log Cabin, the Twin Skin Log Cabin System and so many other recognized log cabins on the market believes that quality should always be in the forefront of manufacturing.

As you will notice all our photos, images are watermarked with our Trade Mark, where you see this on an image, or a photo, you can then be assured that it is from us, if there is not our Trade Mark on the image it is not, then its not from us, even if the image looks similar to one of ours.

In the market place today there are a lot companies selling a great deal of different brands, this does not mean that if there is a Factory Cabins Logo on an image on a Multi Selling web site everything on the page its manufactured by us, please check with theus, too many frauds out there. When you purchase a log cabin and you are in doubt of its origin please check the plans as they bear a unique manufacturing number and our logo/trademark, if in doubt please do not hesitate to drop us an email with the unique number, which is located on the bottom right hand corner of the build plans.

Please click the link and this will take you to a page of companies that only retail our product, these cabins we can 100% vouch for and you are assured that you are getting the quality you have paid for. Thank you.

Thank you for reading this,

If its not an LV, or Factory Cabins branded log cabin, then your buying mass produced rubbish’

Please check out our windows and doors.

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Timber Prices and Why, Also who is responsible!

Why is everyone complaining about prices, why? What do you expect when you close all industry down for more than a year on the whole planet, you think its just going to jump straight back up and start pumping out again the same old rubbish as before? No, people have changed and changed a lot, people who drove lorries now want to be farmers and have a slower life, those that worked in the factories now want to work from home, or start up their own business, this Virus has changed us all, and timber prices as well as everything else has gone up, why? Because there is demand, but sadly though there is not enough timber to go around, plus and this is the funny thing, in the UK for years we have listened to government and the EU about how bad everyone is but us, it’s amazing really, because we are all as bad as each other, now as a Britt, I have not lived in the UK for many, many years, and I have travelled extensively and met all walks of life from many different countries, but today we will speak about 2 in particular. Russia and Belarus. Both these countries have own the vast majority of the lungs of the world, (Forests in case someone is confused). Now these two countries are always jumped on for being run by criminals, dictators and the like, which is utter rubbish, because you all in the EU or UK are being told YOU MUST HAVE THE VACCINE, that is dictatorship. That is exactly what we say about Russia and Belarus, even to the point where the passports must be changed now in the EU and UK to show who has and who has not been vaccinated. I thought we all had a choice, seems not. Am I really living in a freedom of speech state, where my thoughts and wants, desires and needs are respected, well sadly no we are not? Our governments were supposed to change every so many years, now we have career politicians running everything, year after year and lying weekly and daily, and nothing is done about it, and most are complete and utter paedophiles and inbreeds.

So taking that all into account, who are we to jump into other people’s elections and disturb them and try and land grab land, if the Belarussian people think it’s better in the EU, ask the Greeks, they will tell you the truth. The grass is never greener.

EU sucks, its completely corrupt and run by absolute career politicians. Who care nothing about your well-being. Which is why the vaccines were late being rolled out, Italy suffered terribly, as did UK, but the UK government was thank fully not under direction of the EU, otherwise we would have had 1000s of more deaths. The EU even used the soft boarder and threatened to make it a hard boarder in Ireland over vaccines, treating the Irish like cattle. So, most of you have a slight idea about what and who we have playing with our lives on a daily basis, and these people also tried to destroy an election in Belarus, and in Ukraine, and Russia and wherever they see fit. So…. It is laughable, these countries hold the majority of the Timber, Construction, wood on this side of the planet, so now Russia, Belorussia and the like are telling the EU and the UK, go scratch. What ever you want, pay for it now. And that’s why houses, cabins, sheds, fencing, decking, floorboards, construction timber all around the globe has tripled in price. In the future Russian companies and Belorussian companies will own companies in the UK and sell their lumber directly to the public and cut out the middle man, they will sell it cheaper, and better quality. This is the future.

And if you are one of the lucky ones to be able to source it now, then happy days, but most can’t…

Never bite the hand that feeds you…

If you want to see over pricing, I was shocked!

Shocked is not the word, this is disgusting, its all most as bad as price of sheds, decking, and other timber related goods in the UK, and the amount people are charging you , its a rip off. Sadly the south is hit the hardest, and then London and the areas around it.

I just want to show the difference in this brief blog.

When looking for a cabin, please think about the 44mm x 44mm log cabins on factory cabins, cheaper than the rest, we designed this system, and we are the leaders in this, plus our windows and doors are with out doubt the best then anyones.

Check out these cabins.

Now we will show you similar cabins of ours but please check out our pricing. Its mind blowing.

OK the first is bigger than that displayed by www. i love your money .com, And the price for out larger more unique, better designed, better actually in every way in 70mm is £5040 ex works, where our www. i love your money .com, £4581 more. Hello, is some one just a dumb stupid greeedy idiot or what, trading standards should be knocking tomorrow at your door. Virus does not mean we rip people off.

Then here comes the real , serious rip offs, Check out the two last cabins, and you will see they are both priced similar, one in 35mm, thats not a bad size if you want cheap and cheerful, and then there is 44mm which is my favourite, and it hardly splits and never twists if its put up quickly and treated, put on a good flat base and you add the gutters etc. Flat base, gutters, good body stain, decent roof covering and a good drain away and our cabins will last 20 + years, I personally have the first ever 44mm twin skin building ever made, and i can say hand on heart do a good job at the beginning and it could out live you, and i have designed the windows and doors to be super hardy!

Below is a building that is say £3000 cheaper than both, yet is bigger, better looking, it has my designed roof, and your friends will do a back flip when they go inside and have a look at your new chill out room. bar, pool room, or just office.

And if the mill cuts the corners from its timber logs it means they are twisted and it stops you seeing the twist. Now you know and you know what to look out for and not buy.

Who Manufacturers and Designs the Best Log Cabins

Actually I have no clue, but we are up there with the 1% that do.

Sorry about the swearing but as the saying goes the more swearing the higher the intelligence.

So what is so very special about us and our girls and guys that are out their fitting and helping you with your orders through this very hard times we have.

Yes timber is hard to come by, but we can still get the best of the best, yes windows and doors are hard to get the hardware for, but Germany came through as always, and yes there are many, too many people out there complaining that everything takes time, to those people, GO AWAY…. This has been the worst year for people just wanting to complain, and everyone is super aggressive, why? have no idea, but life moves on and ignoring the muppets that lost their sheep and concentrating on the serious people who do not moan if what i do.. I have no time to waste as we are super busy with people that really understand this industry and cabins are not manufactured from plastic.

One of my amazing dealers had a old stupid woman call her and say she had a problem with her cabin she had bought 2 years ago, my agent of 12 years said what can i help you with she said the water is coming in, my agent asked for photos, and then the old woman like most started shouting credit card and all this, crap about unfit and and. Well she forgot to put gutters on her building for two years….. People should read terms and conditions. Always Guttering….. And Draining…. Then she calls one of my agents threatens her with liable action and shouts out credit card this and that, always read terms and conditions, your house is not sitting in water, so what should your amazing log cabin ( my amazing log cabins) ?? Some people are just exceptionally stupid.

This annoyed me because we always fix what needs to be fixed if it does and normally before America, or China tried to kills us all, i forgot freedom of speech is not allowed anymore, like woman racing against Biologically other woman, forbidden, now anyone is anything they want, but telling the truth is not allowed. why and who thought it was a great idea to lets gays run against woman, just because your balls are missing does not mean your a girl. Really pisses me off, the left have destroyed the man, and woman bringing into play the lets all be gay lesbian and messed up, take drugs and have implants and completely upset the simple rhythm of the planet, MAN , WOMAN CHILD. To all those offended, ( free speech, piss off).

OK cabins enough ranting, Biden, the glasses you gave President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin are fucking cheap awful shit, you stupid old man!

Our Old are not respected, our war memorials are smashed, our statues are pulled down, and the last straw our family values eroded and pushed aside for something that is sadly just completely sick.

OK check out this amazing cabin by us…… totally heterosexual!

5m x 7m 44mm Log Cabin

OK… As you know I say it straight from the hip and I never say something with out evidence, whats really funny is that, when i write something, some stupid, middleman in the UK, who has never been in a forest in his life, and i mean in the middle of the Russian Forest, and seen felling, harvesting of the logs, and seen the full process, has no clue about anything about cabins, apart from the fact that even in these hard times and the price of timber is rising up and up, they still want to rip you off as quickly as they can.

So i was Really shocked and surprised, when i saw one of my cabin designs, from years and years ago, and the price of it, made me laugh, because it should be called “I like to RIP YOU OFF, not i love cabins, more like i love money.

I like LogCabins ,Imagine, £ 13.732.78
Factory Cabins £ 5880, and its the same size cabin, my windows and doors are amazing, no clue about the other company, but the price difference you could buy hand made wooden bespoke metal facial windows and doors. German, and still have change. So why the high prices? Yes my cabins are are all priced ex works, yes mine have zero taxes, so add £ 3000, tax and transport, and you get £8056, I make a profit still, so why the £13.732.78 ?…… Many words come to mind, but i will let you make your mind up which one to use.

Evidence…….. i have added the link of this page,, this link will be stored on, so if they delete it, like most do, you have the ability to go back and check their site if you want before they remove their page or my images. I love reporting this kind of Greed……

Its really up to you as the buyer who you decide to buy from, but do not moan about how long it takes to get to you, we have a virus which is global, and it seriously messes up everything when you least expect. But that does not mean you can be rude, selfish and disrespectful. We all want you to get your cabin in the hour you pay, but its not that easy any more.

And if you see this stupid sign that says buy British, then remember one thing, we do not have any timber left, none, exactly 12 thousand sq miles of it, which is zero, or I will put it another way.

We have 82 billion cubic meters of timber to play with, which is 45% of the country.
Also another unknown fact, Right now, vast swathes of Russia are covered in “illegal” forests. 10% of all the forest in Russia (that’s an area about twice the size of Spain) lies in areas formerly or currently designated as agricultural land .This does mean its amazing, that we have vast forests, simple more trees, less food, less food grown, higher prices. Spain land mass is 195, 464 Sq miles, UK has only 12000 Sq miles of forest, do you see the picture now???

Of the 31,380 square kilometres (12,120 sq mi) of forest in Britain, around 30% is publicly owned and 70% is in the private sector. More than 40,000 people work on this land.

The area of the forest land actually covered by forests is 7,95 million km2 (3069512.16 sq mil) (RussianGovernment, 2020). Around 33.5% of the total forested area is composed of primaryforests, 64.1% of otherwise naturally regenerated forests, and the remaining 2.4% of planted forest.

(12,120 sq mi)
(306,951,216 sq mil)

As you can see a slight difference, which means this……. STOP CUTTING TIMBER IN THE UK give the forests a rest……… Rest my case…

Timber Pricing on Log Cabins.

Please call us for pricing, we would love to display the pricing on our cabins, how ever the prices on timber are only going up and up monthly and its difficult to change the prices on the website, so we are having to do it the old way sadly, until Russia make their timber so stupidly expensive we will all just quit buying from them and start to buy from Canada, Many mills in Canada shut 3 years ago sadly, but when there is demand Then they will reopen.
The reason pricing is going up for the very best timber, is that America is now as well as the Chinese buying Russian lumber in massive quantitates , and as you can imagine both are greedier than the other. China does not care about FSC so sadly they buy black market logs. And where there is money there are always men and woman who will risk cutting down huge amounts of forest to fill their greedy pockets.


This is for China, America, and sadly none for the UK or Europe, the EU and UK sanctioned Russia for too long and too heavily, you the public are now paying the price for these sanctions, and will now I foresee forever. Reap what you sow and as you were all going ——Russia this and —-Russia that, the day would come when he would say —-you and now pay for the timber…. P V Putin is not what the Daily Mail or Washington portray him as, these are blind fools who know zero about timber, Russia ….and ….if you want to blame someone….The EU and now …BIDEN…. BIGGEST , BLINDEST, DUMBEST fool of them all.
Off to China, Legal or Illegal who knows, but the trains never stops!
I do not need to say more…….

Our Doors…

OK before someone tells you, their windows and doors are amazing, please firstly look at their quality, then their price then tell them they have been smoking something extremely illegal all night and put the phone down, because, there is no one in the industry better than us when it comes to a standard, fit, no extra this and that windows and doors for a log cabin, we are exceptionally the best, and that is absolutly the truth, ask them all.

Now you may be wondering why I keep on ranting and raving (no not in Ibiza its shut) why i say we have the best windows and doors and the importance to this, simple, if your windows and doors break, fall apart leak, and then mother nature comes flooding with wind , rain and everything else, then that small space of tranquility is ruined. ! And to get the company you bought your cabin from 2 years down the road to replace them, or at least look at them and try and fix them, is as you know impossible, as ,most have gone bust, run from the VAT MAN, of changed names and do not have you on their books.

This really is the game of Log Cabins you are entering, I love this part of the market actually more than the houses we manufacture, as we manufacture to the top end of the market and my designs are unique to us and us only.

Anyway, here are some pics, up close and telling all, we can paint your doors and windows any colour you would like, please just ask.

Left everyone, and right, us, the best!

Our Standard New Windows and Doors

OK, let’s look at facts and pictures, firstly facts, most, if not all cabin companies sell with their log cabins not just rubbish windows and doors, crap windows and doors if the truth was to be known. If you ask Dunster, Quick Garden, or even Tuin, Imedeska to look at their standard, no frills windows that come standard with their 44mm and upwards.

Let’s look at a no frills, standard, ok firstly hinges,

Yes you can guess, left hinge is nearly the whole of the low end mass produced log cabin market and 30% of the middle and ours, Hinge on the right, you presume correctly ours the number 1 hinge, German Manufactured, and a 5 year guarantee.

So Let’s add a few pics of bad, very bad windows and doors, it’s either the hinges are inadequate or the tilt and turn system is just rubbish, this is one to always look out for, if they offer you this system, then you will have problems in 3 years. Dunster House is owned by the Murphy Family, Daddy is Chris,…

Looks like Dunster read my blogs…….

Come on Dunster, let’s have a good look, a close up look of your windows and doors, because i know you’re hiding your quality,,, if it’s so good show it off like us… Lets see the thickness of your frame work, your joinery timber and your tip top windows and doors!

OK what I have decided to do is let you check out the companies at present selling their wares their way by You Tube, and please check out there windows and doors, look at drip trays, construction type, quality of workmanship and if you think your spending your money in the right place, and do not forget, Factory Cabins LTD has the best of the best in range, price, and of course quality of build.

And check out the windows and doors in these cabins…….. Talk about Cheap!!!!

Seriously have you looked at most of the windows and doors on these cabins, they are a joke, complete and utter joke, we even have a few that want you to IKEA some talk about mass produced way overpriced rubbish, and the paint on the last one was flaking off the frame, that’s quality assured..

Handle too small, normal for bulk cabins cheap and nasty all the way.
this is the worst tilt and turn system in the market. Worst.
Check out the hinges………. really…….REALLY,,,, AND FOR THIS THEY WANT ABOUT 200 POUNDS..
So CNC….. check out the line up on that beautiful window, you know the guy that signed that off as a perfect window just got divorced.

Camping Pods for sale

We are house manufacturers, not a shed company or a company that is out just to earn so quick money from making poor quality Camping Pods, as to be honest there are so many about.I saw one the other day it looked like a caravan with a curved inside roof. Seriously, look at this Pod, its awful, it has zero of anything in it, and its a failure to begin with. The company manufacturing these seriously needs to stop and rethink. A camping pod must have feelings and these have zero. they are lifeless. And are designed for one thing, to take money, as many serious campers would not like to stay a night in these. Most campers who are looking for a night in a pod want romantic, and and, not sterile, awful, cheap looking surroundings.

we have many strings to our Cello, and the reason I chose a Chello is because we are educated qualified carpenters, who understand what it takes to make a real timber frame building that will last the test of time. We have also not tried to make our Pods look like, or feel the same as caravans, please we would never use wood as a roofing material,

Here are some really nice photos of our pods and some designs to follow.

This is what we offer…….. Do not be fooled, only this kind of quality is designed and manufaturered by Kevin Langham,, Factory Cabins LTD.

Log Cabins and Lies.

Ok I saw this on a website belonging to a company that I had to comment on, I will not get into the in’s and outs of the full story but put it this way, this company is the most expensive company in Lithuania for OK Log cabins, and their products are so overpriced, I really mean this, soooo over priced, and now their pricing has gone up again, and again, and yet their quality remains the same as 2005. and when we asked why the increase in prices the answer was always pathetic, lies, and mumbles, and then we decided after sadly 19 years to give up, and start again, Factory Cabins LTD has New Exceptionally high quality Log Cabins which are now 100% better than any cabins on the market with lower pricing.

If I told you a story regarding this Mill, you will understand this company , OK…..I asked for years and years and years for IMEDESKA to change the glass in the doors and windows , from 19mm to 24mm, and also to change the way the were manufactured as the locking system on the windows is awful.the windows and doors are not particularly good, and once again get rid of their cheap opening system they use for the windows, tilt and turn system. Its fucking awful, it’s the worst, its so cheap, and making the cheap windows even cheaper, and sadly it looks awful and is the cheapest opening system ever on a window, also they only use one drip try on their windows and they are not particularly very good, in fact i would say i was embarrassed, but IMEDESKA do have two old Auer Notching machines , and i mean really old old, but they are still OK. Auer is a good company and their old machines are OK, still, ( I was the one that actually got Imedeska to buy the first one they have as at that time i really wanted quality cutting and Gintaras who was running the mill then, understood quality sells, and we all wanted cabins that are perfect each and every time) ) however,,,,,the latest ones , which we have now, are 1000X better. Plus our new standard windows and doors make every LOG CABIN company in the industry will be jealous of what our cabins come with now as standard, not an upgrade but as standard!

Over the next few weeks, months we will be high lightening, fraudulent criminal websites, and we will be giving all the information we collect to the UK trading standards.

Always pay with a credit card.

Log Cabin manufacturers lie, and i mean lie like you can not believe, for instance, they say they use Northern Pine to manufacture their cabins, and on the same page they have a FSC certificate which they think you think that the company is eco friendly and and and, but on the certificate it states local forestry, which means they cut local logs, which is fast grown pine, and not what they claim which is (((((((( Northern Fir has a slow and steady growth, much slower than most other trees used for construction. This is due to the extremely cold weather it must endure in an unforgiving climate. This is what makes the wood durable and robust, absolutely perfect for sustainable and long-term construction))))))))))

This means they buy fast grown local logs that means your log cabins are not from slow grown timber….. LIES!

Humble Beginnings is very true, ok let’s tell the Truth how IMEDEKSA started, many years ago, Kevin Langham was hunting for timber, and was introduced to a guy called Gintaras, a really super , honest, guy, he asked me to visit his mill, I did, and, his company was called Amber Wood, his other company was Imedeksa, he was on his own at that time, and has a small, mill, with old kilns ( that were cold) , and zero machinery ( NONE) and the company has zero money, but Gintaras is , was, the kind of guy you just want to do business with. When I was in his factory in the corner i saw an old interlocking building, I asked him what it was and he showed me, I was at the time looking for timber, as that was my business, not cabins, but once i saw the cabin I knew England would buy them, and that’s how cabins, UK, me, Deeday from Skinners sheds, and Gintaras started, and Imedeksa was born. It is now not a power house, it has worn machinery, and a old, used, worn window and door department, there is no investment, Gintaras is sadly gone, and so are the people that made that company what is was, now its manufacturing over priced log cabins, please read next weeks blogs and look at the difference in what we were selling to what we are selling now.

So Deeday , Skinners Sheds and I put time , energy and money, and we helped Gintaras start up his company, Little different from the story below, as there was no timber, and power house it is not, over priced, and completely zero loyalty to its customers it is. And as the longest running customer i would honestly say nothing would ever get me to buy from this company again.

Over the next few days I have decided to show what we could buy from this company in 2005 and what you can buy now.

I was their biggest buyer for many many years, spending Millions of Pounds with them, but due to greed by a certain shareholder, stupidity and loyalty I would never spend another penny in this mill.

Also, we must point out that is you are buying cabins in Ireland, you must check this out, its very important.

The reason we high light this is that too many crooks spoil the purse. Read this if you live in Ireland,


So many Log Cabin designs forgotten in time.

Its crazy, but i was looking through my old hard drives and i found our old images we use to use in the old days, like 2001/2007 and then we changed, and they were just left in a folder and forgotten about, I know a few people still use them, but I just thought i would share them with you today and maybe you see something that over the time has disappeared from all our new designs we have now, which believe me is a the largest cabin designs in the world.

So please enjoy these old shapes, sizes etc.

You know when you want to say something , but you can’t because it kind of spoils the surprise, well next week we will showcase our windows and everyones elses windows and doors and believe me when i say our new standard windows and doors will put to sleep the market spit spot!

Regarding purchasing Cabins, Timber Buildings or any item from Self Employed Dealers. Resellers,  who sell our LV or FC brand, if you went to the Self Employed Dealers, reseller,  first, please do not come to us, if you have a question, concerns please call us, but as they are resellers, we are unable to do anything legally to them regarding their prices , Please remember and do not forget a business needs earn money, we can say what we think they should be sold at, but we cannot by law demand they sell it at what we think. So, it’s always best to look at other websites, and please remember our cabins are high quality, so like for like pricing will be difficult, but there are a few companies out there that are the same nearly as ours and you can gauge if the pricing if fair or not.

I say this all the time, pay with a credit card………. It keeps you safe.

We have no claim or claims to our dealerships working practises, or who and what they do. We are not responsible for deposits they may take, and we are not responsible for broken doors, windows, or bad workmanship, fitted kitchens, bad fitted bathrooms etc, we however would like to be told this in writing so we can take the matter to the company concerned and ask them to help you with your concerns.

When we deliver a cabin to our resellers, they are the owner of that cabin, timber building etc, until they give it to you, you don’t even own it, once its delivered to you, you sign for it, but before you do, inspect it, you can refuse to sign for it if there is damage. The law is on your side, however if you have had a bespoke cabin made for you, and there are missing parts, or a broken door, you cannot return this, the company (reseller) has 28 days, or whatever his T and C’s  say in which to fix your Log Cabin. We have some amazing resellers, and they will bend over to help you have that amazing cabin in your garden.

Here is a note to everyone, only buy a cabin if your job is secure, and you can afford it, as most cabins are bespoke manufactured for you, refunds are almost impossible. So please beware of this.

Please take note, please,please always ask if you can pay with a credit card.

Thank you for reading.

AWFUL Garden Buildings, with a bit of Quick added…

This is a new cabin, seriously,,,,,,,, realllllllly seriously………

So what are we writing about today, what can i possibly write and it will seem to be completely different than anything else I have written in the past, I have said so many truths yet most of you do not know the difference between a timber frame house, or a Log cabin or a fucking post box painted Red, why don’t you just call me and ask what you need to known, i know all the scumbags in this industry and the good ones,I know the ones that in 2008 went bust and the ones who just go on holidays 6 times a year and actually have never even see your buildings, and know 0% about log cabins, in general. seriously, but there is hope yet, as I am becoming slowly but surely the Agony Aunt, and today i received some photos and a small cry for help, as the company these respectable, hard working British family bought their £9.000 cabin from in 44mm, were just completely fucked over , ( I swear, don’t like it go away)…so their money was taken and the company did a typical Baltic Runner. As from the 1st of January, Trading standards will no doubt shut them down, prosecute and fine this company.

Ok firstly, if something starts with the words Quick, it normally means trouble, remember what our grandparents told us, slowly, slowly catch yeah monkey, and that is in all things, And anyone thinks something racist about that, fuck off back from whence you came.

OK that bit cleared up, Quick and the wording Garden, spells to me one thing, leaking, bad, cheap, and crap and Debbie, her son Charlie and her family were told, informed that their cabin was the nuts, the bees knees, the cream of cabins, the best of the best and all that crap ….. They have informed trading standards, and they have also mentioned that this company loves using the wording Residential Friendly (( Hello everyone it means NOTHING )) You can put up build type, as it is a type style in build design, but you can not mention residential friendly, as that is implying it has U values, structural calculations and is winterized, which it is not..

So story goes something like this…..

Grandmother dies, and leaves grandson money, grand son in his 20’s decides he will move out into the garden and give his mum and dad some peace, and also gives him time to romance his girlfriend as much as he likes behind his own curtains, in his cabin, he yard, his space, and he has wanted his own log cabin for a very long time, and had been going on the net looking for the quality and size he needed, so he sadly was taken in by all the crap and waffle most of the companies write, and he made a QUICK decision, he was looking for his space, and something he was going to pay for himself. A typical strong, fighting fit, English Boy, character and grit. But too trusting, if its cheap, quick and says garden its means CRAP!

So the cabin of his dreams arrived, he was told it was perfect to live in, it was put on a concrete base and off you go, the builders came in £1600 to build it, that in itself was a rip off, as a 44mm should have cost half that, but recession being , prices are high…

So Charlie, went out to see his finished cabin, and Quickly he became upset, when it rained and rained and rained, and then he realised that he was not just getting in water leaking in through the roof, and walls , yes walls, but also the floors and then the doors and windows leaked, and his heart was broken, his bed was wrecked, carpet, and belongings.

And guess what our trading standards division in the UK, which is versed on this company are doing nothing , why , because they have had funding pulled, and do not have the man power to do anything, and even though this is a multi million pound fraud going on each and every week, they are too blind and stupid to do anything or police it.

So we police it, with my blogs and other blogs that really know this industry.

I have put a lot of photos with this blog.

Just so you can see for yourself, never buy anything that has quick attached to the name..

Always pay with a credit card.

Remedy for this cabin, the doors and windows are absolute cheap rubbish, not fit for purpose, change them, please go to our page, send us the sizes and colour you want them, and we will send them to you. Next the whole cabin you must varnish it in decking varnish for yachts. At least 3 coats. And a 44mm building is not a residential building, it’s not even building reg friendly….. it will be never ever fit to sleep in, ever… it is a glorified shed, nothing more. Actually some sheds, as they are timber framed are better, unless you buy a twinskin.

Second remedy, ask a local independent registered carpenter to come in and make a full assessment on the cabin, faults, windows and doors, etc, and them put that to trading standards, they will then send a summons to the company, if they do not pay, then, there is a Lithuanian institution ,, and these people will take the money from the companies account immediately. It does not matter if it’s a UK resident or Lithuanian, you bought the cabin while being an EU citizen , which means they can not run from you. Assets or money will be taken from them, if a court rules against them.

If the Lithuanian court rules in their favour, you can then seize any goods coming into the “UK” country from this company and sell it till your settlement is upheld. And as they sell possibly 500 buildings a month into UK, and the trucking invoice will obviously confirm their company name, you have no problems in getting your money back quickly.

If I were you I would speak to them and tell them to take it back, and just refund you the full amount, to them its peanuts, but if they push this , they will loose, and they will then loose their check rate, complain to their bank and credit card company, and make them problems.


I am going to keep shut, you decide…..

Always remember that you must always have a correct drainaway,,,, mother nature is a bitch most of the time, so keep water away , completely away, from your log cabin, the log cabin should be off the floor, and that’s the first rule, there are many others, and that you should never buy a cheap cheap cheap log cabin, as it will come back to bite you in so many awful ways.

Factory Log Cabins 1999-2021( Part 1)

It’s really funny, we have been around since day one, yet, no one knows us, possibly because we have been the quiet supply to a the chain of disgusting greedy piggy dealerships that just got more and more greedy it was like a pandemic of mass proportion that was ill , sick and vile that swept the UK, and only money, profit and scams . So last year we put a complete stop to it, and kept just 3 dealers and got rid of the rest.

What’s really upsetting is that greed spoils good in everything, and greed has always been the downfall of most cabin log Dealers.

One comment i want to get clear from the start of this blog, we can be trusted with money, any amount, we had 70 dealerships that trusted us with your money each and every day, but we could not trust them to offer you a fair deal! ( please remember this) ……… it was not them that sacked us, it was us that sacked them!

Many years ago I was walking through a small, empty warehouse, and I saw out of the corner of my eye a 3m x 3m corner, interlocking 28mm log cabin, and I knew then that this was my future staring at me, covered in dust, doors hanging off, and boards full of holes and the timber not particularly very good, but the design was perfect, obviously I had to push the Mill, to manufacturer a better product, and it was quite difficult, as the standards here in Lithuania  as they are now still, sadly quite low, so one must push and push and push, which means you have to be around the product, people, and manufacturing areas 24./7 as the only person you can trust is yourself, and I never believe anyone when they say “ don’t worry it’s going to be cool” I always found that nothing went as planed and the quality was always slightly a miss, compared to what I wanted and needed.

Every man and his dog has tried to sell log cabins, and still they come, and it makes me laugh when they write crap like, made in the UK, actually the timber is either Russian or Baltic, UK does not have the timber quality needed to manufactured really seasoned log cabins.

So, I decided to put up some pics of cabins that stretch back years and years, show you how we changed the industry, and how we are still the only leading light in the industry.

So lets begin with some photos……..

A fantastic Clock House By
This Old Design Building was in its day the best of the best
Triple Clock House,,,,,, Built in 2005
Our mission statement has always been quality, even from way back when
The reason we put a lot of watermarks over our photographs and images is because companies like Skinners sheds and other companies just steal our images, or photos and add them to their websites. Because of their lack of imagination, and also not being able to pay for a proper graphic designer or just laziness, which ever, who knows , so sadly we must protect ourselves by adding these watermarks over our products. (( sorry))
The first ever 5m x 5m 45mm log cabin ( ever) with veranda and and and. But this is the first ever manufactured.
I am so proud we did and are doing so much for the garden market, unknown hero’s that have just changed that market space into something amazing. This was my design, and it has been copied like the clock house of the twinskin system, by the rest, We call them the sheep. They just follow, and make a lot of mess behind them.
Remember this was over 15 years ago, way before tilt and turn windows and joinery glulam timber for windows and doors, yet we made amazing cabins even then. And the prices, this is before the greedy little bastard Dealerships got hold of them, we sold this for about 1200 euros ex works, they sold it for 3500 pounds. Plus plus plus plus.
I use to get upset, but the dealers would always say, no Britt is going to buy a Log Cabin from you direct, they don’t trust you, your in Lithuania, my answer now is, the credit card companies do not trust you now the dealers, that why you all have huge deposits on your credit card machines so many Dealerships in 2008, went bust, and just ran with all the deposits they could get their hands on. I was actually shocked, as we lost a huge sums to dealers.
Which is one reason now we got rid of all of them nearly except 3.
Yes this is our design, and yes we were the first to make a double clock house, Clock houses used to be massive sellers, Until the government came in with new rules of 2.5 and and and.
Some of our first twinskin designs, you can tell by the age of the image.
This was one of my first miniature house designs in twin skin, we manufactured a few but as i said the government put a stop on them before they could become popular, this was back in 2002 and housing was a problem, actually its always been a problem.
Double garage with an office upstairs, under 4m, we actually manufactured many of these for our Dealers.
This I called the Chapel, I designed it because Dunster House as always were saying they manufactured the tallest, widest door etc, so we shut them up, this door was about 2m wide and 2.3 m high, making it the biggest, cabin door to be fitted to a cabin ever.
This is from our standard range…… as always, made by us, and sold by some dealer who claimed to be the designer and the manufacturer, both were lies, and the price for this was always triple what we sold it to the dealer for. So glad we got rid of dealers.
This brings back so many happy memories, one of our first ever clock houses, and check out the timber, perfect…… The design has been refurbished, but the quality of the cut, and the roof and and , amazing.
I remember this one, we sold it to Hortons, stopped dealing with him years ago, long story, but as always for him it did not end well! Never fall out with your supplier.
I think Daryl, one of our old dealers bought this one, and sold it to someone, did a good job on the decking, and assembly. But the final price to the customer was too high! bye Daryl.
This is one of the very first clock houses, so this would be 2002/2003
Clock House with Shed
This one i remember, we sold it to Peter, in Devon, lovely guy, he did an amazing job putting it up…
A twinskin log cabin in ( 2003) way before anyone even knew what a twin skin was, they have now all copied it, but the true masters of this design and manufacturing process are us 100%.
It’s strange when people ask us, “who are you”, and i just laugh and say, ( we are the creators) and we are here to stay, and we have also as you can see have the man power, skill and the aptitude to design, and create the best of the best cabins.
This is the first ever 5m x 5m twinskin garden office designed by yours truly, and came onto the market in about 2006.
Its sold and sold and sold, then every back street mill and shed company asked their manufacturers for it, and so the twinskin was copied by all. Must laugh, as none have made a good copy, the ones i have seen are kind of a bodge, rather like Arch Leisure’s Pods, they look the part but are actually rubbish, completely and utterly. No one makes a frame which must have strength from OSB. No One!
I have seen these CNC machines for sale in the UK which you feed OSB board into and it cuts out pod frames, seriously, what the F…K… and then they ask £28.000 for it. Seriously.
To everyone who wants a pod from Factory Cabins, we are not cheap, we do not manufacture rubbish, our pods are built to last, they are not anything like Arch Leisures or any other in the UK, so please if you are looking for just quality, longevity then ask us, as we are the Best manufacturers of Pods in the market place,

Dealerships that are really just not worth calling!

OK imagine, I sit for hours and hours and i try after designing over 7000 buildings for the UK garden market, to come up with something new and interesting, my time and energy, plus not forgetting my money, to create something amazing. For You!

So I design a whole new range of garden offices, not because they are the best, or that i am the best designer, ( I am with without doubt ) , and that every one, and i mean everyone copies exactly what i do, ( the clock house) the ( The Interlocking Twin Skin).

Skinners Sheds whos webdesigner “decides” or is told to steal our images from our website and then gives our design to his very bad manufacturer who has a bad name for one going broke and running away and not paying for his timber and other things, and two is known in the industry for having lots of missing parts, skinners uses this mill to copy our designs, the mill supply awfully cheap windows and doors, are known for late deliveries and also this mill uses Baltic timber, which as we all know is fast grown rubbish! Forgetting all of that, for a moment;;;;

Dunster, and his discounts which he does every month, and actually 90% of the Piggy Dealerships sadly do the same. they all shout buy now as prices rising etc, , by the way timber has not gone up, so anyone who says it has, well they are truly mistaken and really do know anything, as I sit here in the forests, i sell timber, buy it, cut it and export it, SO I DO as i sell 40000 m3 a month) ,

so what is the the truth?

The truth is timber is just being withheld from you, you see , if you call President Vladimir Putin a Russians Fuc..g Bastard, and the Belarusians leader President Viktor Lukashenko a dictator and all the names under the sun, do not expect the next day for them both to say, arr poor UK here’s some cheap timer. because like gas, oil and other stuff you don’t have a lot of and especially””” timber””””, which the UK has very little of, and you are still cutting your Oaks, you do know it’s bad luck to cut Oak, ”’any way I digress, sorry “expect from both Russia and Belarus some very fancy, and beautifully, eloquently said swear words in Russian said to the UK, and everything to do with timber changes and you now can expect low grade timber, as you see I show cased in Arch Lesures Pods, article, CRAP! photos below in case you forgot. or missed that blog…

( Remember this, Russia helps the UK in so many ways, culture, and Timber for Housing, money and also Russia shows us again, how to stand on our feet and be independent). We have followed to long idiots. I personally have decided to stop following and start to stop the degrading nature of a business,I personally started 20 odd years ago, Log Cabins. Time to go back to the beginning, and reprice it all again. This time without the likes of Dunster House, Skinners, Johnsons, and, Garden Buildings Direct, and the rest, …… Lets see them all drop their pricing to mine. lol…. that will be the day)

Arch Leisure and his amazing timber, what a pile of crap,Seriously……………….. Keep going down for photos. Disgusting. Like all Dealerships he does not care, and he knows nothing about timber.


These knots are often black and may contain bark or pitch pockets separating the dead-limb wood from the living stem wood. Such black knots are more formally known as encased knots. . knots are typically considered to be undesirable defects in wood

So Mr Arch Lesure, you paneling inside your new and amazing crap pods are lined out with defective timber……… As always we like to help ( The Public)

Seriously, this is what the UK has come to, home grown, backstreet mills, buying defective timber, and manufacturing and selling BADLY MANUFACTURED COPIES OF OUR products for £1000’s more, with CRAP timber.

Sorry keith…. Must say,,, Brit to a Brit, selling this rubbish to other Brits, is dispicable.



Next, when, and i mean WHEN did cabins not have floors???????????? I have never sold a cabin without a floor, and a 28mm floor as standard. what is this about??? seriously???

And I love this next bit…. Please everyone, pic one of our cabins, say any DF log cabin, call us, we will give u a quote, delivered to your home. and Trust me this is going to hurt Dunster.

How do you break the Dealerships, easy, play them at their own greedy game, so Dunster House Log Cabins have said 10% from any quote you get to a similar log cabin, well our cabins are 100% better, in every way, and cheaper, in every way, and we want you to go to them with our quote and get them to give you 10% off that! you win, win , win, because price promise is a price promise. And a 4m x 5m log cabin with a roof and a floor is as near as you need to be. if we are offering better, windows, and better thicker flooring for less, they must adhere to their price promise. so if our cabin is £2000 cheaper they must add their 10% to that! so that’s £2200. I love price promises, because in the end they backfire.

OK next, have not forgotten Skinner Sheds, OH NO!

It was £11.190.00, wow, that’s absolutely amazing, cheap, eh! Now discounted From, I love From, means nothing, but let’s keep him at his word, from, what ever, £9.190.00, that’s £1910, pounds off, seems a lot , wow, well done boys, for selling my designed cabin so cheap, and discounted. Always check 70mm timber from the Baltics for splits, if it is not treated almost instantly, baltic 70mm will split terribly. TERRIBLY………

But let’s look at the real cost of that cabin from us here at the Mill.

Yep our price is as you can expect is a lot cheaper.

Why? because we manufacturer it, and why are we so much cheaper, because we are not greedy. Shout out to all dealers, stop selling 19mm floor and 19mm roof, shows to the public your a bulk mill manufacturer, rather like condoms, millions, manufactured and only good once, then, throw it away! Dealers are greedy and that’s why Mr and Mrs Public Factory Cabins is here to stop you (1) getting ripped off) (2) getting lower prices, (3) getting the best quality, (4) great customer service ( 5) Full turn Key Service. yep also you can pay us with a credit card, and we will be offering also finance.

OH.. forgot to mention… Skinners, 70mm we are £ 2596 Cheaper ex works. And remember this, our quality is 100% better, we do not have missing logs, and if that cabin ever was 11.190, then, it would have meant we were £4596 ex works cheaper. That’s an insane amount! the cabin seems big, but its not, it’s only 31.5 sq m , 6 windows and a double door. and they wanted £11.190. Seriously! oh, with some free shingles that are of questionable quality for that roof which really needs honestly an EPDM covering for it to be efficient. Anyway, we are here to stay, please check out our new and very exciting range The Standard Range coming soon, 102 buildings, that should keep skinners thief web designer busy enough to take off our water marks and offer another of our ranges.

To all you out there that we care about, ditch the dealers and come direct, why pay a guy £2000+ to make a call and just buy a cabin from us?

And!!!!!!! Seriously , i do not understand why you all waste your money on Backstreet Dealerships who are as you can see just ripping you off when purchasing a cabins.

Can anyone explain why you all beat each other up for toilet rolls…… Has England gone mad, because you throw your money away and pay double for cabins , and kill each other for bog paper…

We have been around since the beginning, in the background manufacturing designing your cabins, we have supplied most of the Largest Dealerships in the UK, Now we have decided that the Public can now purchase the cabin of your choice Direct! Forget about spending the 1000’s on your Log Cabin or Timber Frame Buildings. we are now going to bullishly get rid of all the disgusting, over priced Log Cabin , Timber Frame Dealerships in the UK. It’s time for a change!

For many years Log Cabins LV, has been supplying the trade, dealerships, with the best of the best Log Cabins, Certified Glulam GL Class Residential Cabins, be it a School, House, or Village Hall, all of which came to Building Regulations, We have designed over 300 different kinds of camping Pods, over 7000 different log cabins sizes range from 3m x 3m to a full 500 sq meter house, and we also offer Fully Insulated Timber Frame Buildings all the way up to Passive Standards, we have been very much in the background, and sadly we have allowed a lot of Dealerships to sell our cabins under their own brand, as you will notice on Log Cabins LV and Factory Cabins we offer an extensive Blog, this blog goes back to 2013, and on youtube, channel, our videos go back to 2005, and if you really hunt, you will find that before LV we were Sourcingtimber, we have been the most aggressive of all design teams in this market, and everyone has copied us, we designed the Clock House, twinskin interlocking system, we manufactured the first Garden Office, and we have actually changed the face of the UK gardens that is forever lasting. Factory Cabins has been in the coming for years.

Our first dealerships were targeted at some large and very well known companies that are still cheating their customers daily, if i sound angry, I am because what we manufacturer and sell for and what the Dealerships sell at, I would say there are thousands and thousands of pounds difference, which is putting it mildly. And this annoys me as its not profit its theft, and greed.

So what I did was sit back and wait for 10 years, and let the shed companies, the new cabin manufacturers come in, and flood the market, and let them build up their dealerships, and basically take an obscure product I introduced into the market some 21 years ago, and they made it know to all. And as they were doing this job for me they were also getting greedier and greedier, and prices went up and up and up.

And now we have a lot of absolutely shit cabins on the market, and i mean shit, sold at unbelievable pricing, and because sadly none of you know a decent cabin from a bad one, you believe every word you are told, and everything they write on there Perjurers websites, with stolen images from our sites, (Skinners sheds) all of them with the Clock House Design, all of them with the Twinskin Design and so on. On this blog loads of companies are listed who are just completely crooks and Charlatans who know zero about cabins, steal content from us, and sell to you then run off with your deposit, and now we are heading into a depression, and Brexit, which means you do not need a vat to buy a cabin from us anymore from the 1st of Jan, we have now decided it’s time to cut the feet of all the crooked , disgusting thieves, and sell direct. And none of them have a leg to stand on, our twin skins are cheaper than there single skins, and their add ons, are a joke.

Lying to the Public…… Log Cabins

On the first of January, trading standards are going to get a letter from us, on that letter will be the lies and deceit written on so many websites and those that con people from their hard earned money and those that falsely claim that their cabins are this that and the other.

Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Polish, Romanians and disgustingly the British have for too long believed that they can write whatever they want on a website, and soft touch UK will bear the brunt of that lie by simply doing nothing, well, if any of you know English Law it is seriously harsh and unforgiving, so many of you have forgotten what it was like to be ENGLISH, that day is coming Jan 1st 2021 , and we then can throw off the shackles of the European Union’s rules and regulations which are i must say are for the soft and for the lighter touch people in life. And jump hard and aggressively on those that think they can lie and decieve.

What is building reg friendly mean, sorry, i know its on a log cabin British website, which is owned by a EU company, To those that write this,,,,,,, a word of warning,,,,,, The Brits run Britain, and unlike what you may think, saying (building reg friendly) means ”’ZERO”’ the cabin must pass must pass structural calculations, and finger jointed beams, and stuff like that, would not pass structural calcs, not in any way shape or form, no grade mark (( understand))) , which means what you have written is an absolute LIE! There are no cabin with grade marks for strength, durability , zero, nothing, . There are now a few of us that believe the UK is being flooded with Rubbish, dangerous, and we are going to make a forum of which companies lie, and if you know the UK law, not European as that has no standing, once we make a formal complaint, your site will be turned off by trading standards, and infringements will be fined, the days of telling huge lies to the British Public about how good your cabins are when in fact they are absolute crap, is over!!! Here is one thing to think about…. this is one from 2400 items, you must pass to even use the work Residential, never mind about a bit of insulation.

So when you use the Residential, Residential, stop trying to cheat our old people into thinking your rubbish is anything like their house, or a park home, all you have done is beefed up the walls of your garden cabin, with a 44 mm x 44 mm and added a bit of insulation, it is a garden building, nothing more, so stop telling lies.

Here’s just a little of the hoops one must jump through to get your cabin, 80mm graded glulam twin skin with a huge amount of insulation, with a waterproof membrane, and then dovetailed into the inner skin, so there is no cold bridging, I know because i have made more than one and mine even had to pass all ofsted rules and regs!

I hate to brag, but this is how you manufacturer a twinskin for building regulations, and as you can see there are grade marks everywhere, it was 2 x 80mm x 80mm GL Graded glulam School. 6.8m x 18m . All the beams sit at 90 degree, not 45, and also they are graded, and everything is manufactured from C24, which is then cut up and made to be a Engineered log.

Do not be fooled with pretty pictures on the web, 90% of the crap they write is crap! and their prices are ludicrous. Factory Cabins, is now Number 1 for pricing and honesty as well as offering the right product.

Have a read of some of these rules and then think, what 99.9999% of the cabin companies are offering, and none of what’s written below applies to them.

Lastly, any manufacturer telling you they know about cabins, ask them this one question, it’s an easy one, WHY ARE YOU SO EXPENSIVE COMPARED TO FACTORY CABINS. We use 19mm roof boards, 28 flooring in all our cabins , as standard, we would never use in a factory cabin a 20mm floor board.

Ask them why they are sooo sooo sooo expensive… and their level of quality is so poor!

People who steal our images and what will happen to these thieves very shortly. 2020

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a 1998 United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works (commonly known as digital rights management or DRM). It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself. In addition, the DMCA heightens the penalties for copyright infringement on the Internet.[1][2] Passed on October 12, 1998, by a unanimous vote in the United States Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on October 28, 1998, the DMCA amended Title 17 of the United States Code to extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability of the providers of online services for copyright infringement by their users.

The DMCA’s principal innovation in the field of copyright is the exemption from direct and indirect liability of Internet service providers and other intermediaries. This exemption was adopted by the European Union in the Electronic Commerce Directive 2000. The Information Society Directive 2001 implemented the 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaty in the EU.

File a notice of Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) infringement with search engines such as Google and others to have the offending site removed from their search results.

So very shortly we will be asking Google to ( basically tank) websites that have our stolen images and placed them on their websites without our permission, rank is everything and those that decide to steal our content and use our trade mark to sell their below par goods. their websites and all their content will disappear. So will their earnings and their coning of the public.

Best of luck to those that feel the need to steal!

Regarding purchasing Cabins, Timber Buildings or any item from Self Employed Dealers. Resellers,  who sell our LV or FC brand, if you went to the Self Employed Dealers, reseller,  first, please do not come to us, if you have a question, concerns please call us, but as they are resellers, we are unable to do anything legally to them regarding their prices , Please remember and do not forget a business needs earn money, we can say what we think they should be sold at, but we cannot by law demand they sell it at what we think. So, it’s always best to look at other websites, and please remember our cabins are high quality, so like for like pricing will be difficult, but there are a few companies out there that are the same nearly as ours and you can gauge if the pricing if fair or not.

I say this all the time, pay with a credit card………. It keeps you safe.

We have no claim or claims to our dealerships working practises, or who and what they do. We are not responsible for deposits they may take, and we are not responsible for broken doors, windows, or bad workmanship, fitted kitchens, bad fitted bathrooms etc, we however would like to be told this in writing so we can take the matter to the company concerned and ask them to help you with your concerns.

When we deliver a cabin to our resellers, they are the owner of that cabin, timber building etc, until they give it to you, you don’t even own it, once its delivered to you, you sign for it, but before you do, inspect it, you can refuse to sign for it if there is damage. The law is on your side, however if you have had a bespoke cabin made for you, and there are missing parts, or a broken door, you cannot return this, the company (reseller) has 28 days, or whatever his T and C’s  say in which to fix your Log Cabin. We have some amazing resellers, and they will bend over to help you have that amazing cabin in your garden.

Here is a note to everyone, only buy a cabin if your job is secure, and you can afford it, as most cabins are bespoke manufactured for you, refunds are almost impossible. So please beware of this.

Please take note, please,please always ask if you can pay with a credit card.

Thank you for reading.

The Log Cabin Clock House

My amazing Clock House 4.8m x 3.6m is possibly one of the most sold log cabins in the industry, comes in so many different sizes now, but tonight let’s talk about this amazing , wonderful, aesthetic design, and how i Kevin Langham designed this cabin, and 7000 others and put it to my dealerships throughout europe and the UK, and how it has changed from being a super, quality log cabin , to the pile of shit that is now sold to you the customer, it has been butchered by every company, no strength in the roof, no quality of build and absolutely not worth 1/3 of what any company is asking for them from you. I have seem my cabins butchered by everyone, there is no pride left in this industry, it’s all about demand and bulk.

And you the public are driving this madness by demanding them now , now , now.

And what you buy is last years stock, that’s had 10 buildings packed on top of yours, that are old, that are quickly and cheaply manufactured, AND REALLLLLLLLY OVER PRICED!!!

And if a company is telling you to wait 12 weeks, they are getting ready to go bust and steal your deposits. In 2008 they all did the same, and i will never forget how many people called us and asked us where the dealerships had gone with their deposits. that’s why this time round we have got rid of all the dealers, you just never know who can be trusted and who you can not!

This is the first ever Clock House Log Cabin, it was designed by an elderly Royal Marines officer. We assembled this beautiful building in his garden and decorated it with a pot belly stove, and some very comfortable seating, table etc, and it was his personal little cute hide away.

He sent me the design and I had a very long look at it, and i thought, amazing, and that it would sell well, but the problem with it was, the amount of light was miserable, it was dark, way too dark, it felt claustrophobic, and the dorma looked too big. We built his and then, I sat down and thought.

So I sat down and figured out over about 3 months what would be the best size and how to manufacture this cabin making sure it was ethically viable for the amount of timber to be used, to use the off cuts and and and, and i came up with 5.5m x 4m where 4 windows fitted on the front, with a tall double door and two windows left and right. all tilt and turn. Double glazed.

And here is a pic of the first one…

And here you are, the first , ever, ever, ever 5.5 m x 4.0m and I still think apart from my sunshine range, this is one of the best log cabins ever designed. it fits all purposes. And I amproud to stamp my name to it.

Some one asked me the other day who am I!

Easy I am the start, I am the middle my sons, son, son will possibly be the next Langham, to design more and more buildings from materials we have not even invented yet, but trust me when I say the Langham name is the name that brought Log Cabins to the UK, not garden buildings Direct, Waltons, Dunster House or any of the said mentioned, it was Kevin Langham, and I was too stupid to understand that i should have sold them direct to the customers and not to dealers, who have over the last 21 years upped the prices, lowered the quality and completely destroyed the ethos of what i started, I had someone ask me who I was, and i said I had designed a few buildings, what i wanted to say was, without me 99.9 % of designs on most websites of cabins would not be around, ( like clock house) ……. and also who invented the twinskin system, yes ME!

The twinskin interlocking building system came to me when i saw a skilled craftsman put two walls together , one cabin inside another, and use spacers, and then add insulation, i then had an Eureka moment, and I went to our production production master, and told him what i wanted to do, everyone thought i was crazy, honestly, bat sh-t mad! But i pushed on and now 30% of all cabins are twin skin, thanks to a Langham!

Buy Direct, Factory Cabins, 2020, the New Way to Save £££££


44mm £6,590……. Rip off!

Skinners Sheds 70mm £8.250….is this company really serious, is everyone in Sussex on coke! Time to wake up, buy direct…….. I hate greed and i know you all do! No one can hide from us, we are about to rip this industry to bits, and show the corruption and over pricing. It’s bye bye Dealerships.


Russian Siberian Pine…….

Now our 70mm price, insane EX WORKS LT £ 4478…… insane…. Now let’s show skinners where they go really wrong… Really , Really wrong!!!!!

Imagine, Skinners Sheds, offers its 44mm Log Cabin for £6.590…., imagine, single skin… we kill that with our twin skin, wake up everyone, Dealerships is the old way, buying Direct is the new way for 2020, and onwards.


Ex works is easy and the new way to buy your log cabin..


Twin Skin 44mmx 44mm ONLY …….£5.9760…… Buy Direct from