Actually I have no clue, but we are up there with the 1% that do.
Sorry about the swearing but as the saying goes the more swearing the higher the intelligence.
So what is so very special about us and our girls and guys that are out their fitting and helping you with your orders through this very hard times we have.
Yes timber is hard to come by, but we can still get the best of the best, yes windows and doors are hard to get the hardware for, but Germany came through as always, and yes there are many, too many people out there complaining that everything takes time, to those people, GO AWAY…. This has been the worst year for people just wanting to complain, and everyone is super aggressive, why? have no idea, but life moves on and ignoring the muppets that lost their sheep and concentrating on the serious people who do not moan if what i do.. I have no time to waste as we are super busy with people that really understand this industry and cabins are not manufactured from plastic.
One of my amazing dealers had a old stupid woman call her and say she had a problem with her cabin she had bought 2 years ago, my agent of 12 years said what can i help you with she said the water is coming in, my agent asked for photos, and then the old woman like most started shouting credit card and all this, crap about unfit and and. Well she forgot to put gutters on her building for two years….. People should read terms and conditions. Always Guttering….. And Draining…. Then she calls one of my agents threatens her with liable action and shouts out credit card this and that, always read terms and conditions, your house is not sitting in water, so what should your amazing log cabin ( my amazing log cabins) ?? Some people are just exceptionally stupid.
This annoyed me because we always fix what needs to be fixed if it does and normally before America, or China tried to kills us all, i forgot freedom of speech is not allowed anymore, like woman racing against Biologically other woman, forbidden, now anyone is anything they want, but telling the truth is not allowed. why and who thought it was a great idea to lets gays run against woman, just because your balls are missing does not mean your a girl. Really pisses me off, the left have destroyed the man, and woman bringing into play the lets all be gay lesbian and messed up, take drugs and have implants and completely upset the simple rhythm of the planet, MAN , WOMAN CHILD. To all those offended, ( free speech, piss off).
OK cabins enough ranting, Biden, the glasses you gave President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin are fucking cheap awful shit, you stupid old man!
Our Old are not respected, our war memorials are smashed, our statues are pulled down, and the last straw our family values eroded and pushed aside for something that is sadly just completely sick.
OK check out this amazing cabin by us…… totally heterosexual!