When you purchase a Glulam cabin what should you be looking for?
Firstly you must make sure that the company selling you their glulam logs are firstly manufactured under all the EU regulations, too many glulam log cabins are coming from outside the EU and are not certified, this means in reality you could be purchasing complete and utter rubbish!
Our Glulam/Laminated Timber is certified by Otto Graf Institute for strength classes which start from A, GL24(BS11),GL28(BS14) and GL32(BS16) in accordance with DIN and EN norms we also received in 2012 ISO9001 and ISO14001 certificates.
Because of this our Glulam production is exported from our factory to all over the world, including, Sweden and Finland!
We can also offer
Preparation of advance proposals,
Preparation of projects,
Supply and construction of steel components,
Wood impregnation,
Fire retardant
We are able to offer lengths up to 36m, yep! 36m in one long length! In addition, our maximum span is an unbelievable 80m.
We are also able to offer a curved beam of 40m.
All this is just facts and numbers, but these facts, and numbers mean, you are not just purchasing a quality glulam log cabin; you are purchasing an engineered Glulam log cabin, that is simply better than the rest by leaps and bounds.
What we have found when we surf the web and we are look to see if there is anything better for sale than us, we realise that we are not just the best, and that our standard engineered glulam log is so way past the post to anything else on offer, we realise that most of what is sold on the internet, is actually Finger Jointed small bits of ungraded timber, and they sadly they use the word Glulam to tempt you in!
Interlocking log cabins be them glulam, Solid or Handmade were first sold into the UK about 15 years ago, we should remember, as it was us that offered them into the market first! Then we offered them out to shed companies, and timber companies to offer to their customers, and we are proud to announce we still have our very first dealer purchasing from us!!
When looking for a quality glulam log cabin, the KNOTS, are the give away, if the timber has a lot of knots steer clear, in fact RUN! Knots are a great give away for lack of quality, grade and engineering ability! Next, ask them to show you photos of their press, this is a vital part of the whole operation, there isn’t really a bad pressing station, depends what kind of grade and length you are looking for. A lot of old mills, and some new mills, purchase standing hydraulic glulam presses, and for window frames, door frames, chairs, tables etc, Vertical presses do the job! In fact they don’t need anything better.
However, when you manufacture houses, structural beams, elements, sport stadiums, swimming pools, equestrian centres, large supermarkets, public bridges, for cars, and public, then a standing press is sadly wilfully inadequate.
Because of this, we have invested 10.5 million Euros into one of the most sophisticated flat bed engineered glulam pressing stations in the world!
However that does not mean we must recoup our investment by pricing heavily our product, it’s actually the opposite, our glulam structures, be them Log Cabins, or Post and Beams, are the best priced in the market, as we have very little waste, due to the whole line being computerised, and that we only use C24 graded timber before we start!
Also please ask yourself this question, would you rather purchase a £50,000 Glulam cabin from some small independent builder, who obviously is purchasing it from another trader, and pay his finders fee of 20%, or purchase it from the manufacturer save your self, his fee, their fee and still get a better deal??
The European Union is a great place to find, quality and price, and still be safe when it comes to purchasing direct. The fear of having your money stolen by a foreign company is fallacy, as we have lost more money to UK companies going bust and then re opening under the same name 2 months later than any country in the world. And we sell into most!
You have more rights in the Baltic’s legally, than in the UK!
It is impossible here for a company to go bust tomorrow and the CEO open another the next day! We take bankruptcy here very seriously. It is a pity the moral high ground is not in the UK any more!
And this BLOG is being written by a 51 year old Brit!
Pride, honor and reputation are the qualities I have only found here in the Baltic’s over the last 34 years! Dishonesty and theft, with in the Cabin fraternity is none existent.
I can honestly say, doing business into the UK with our products is a mine field, we are very lucky to have great partners now, we have over the last few years got rid of a few bad apples, that’s why it is imperative to send us an email and check who is who!
If you are seriously looking for a Engineered Glulam log cabin, have a budget, would like high spec triple glazing, quality engineered logs etc, then please give us a call, or send us an email.
Please check out our Residential Glulam Cabins