Clock Houses, who actually came up with that terminology and what is a clock house, what was the first, and how has it become the mainstream log cabin, that’s gone from being a very exquisite Log Cabin, to a cheap nasty imitation of its roots, this is a story of sorrow actually as when I first designed the 5.5m x 4.0m Clock House it was amazing, it truly was a thing of beauty that was an affordable, and just uplifted every garden you put it in, it was available in so many different forms, and it was so unique to its self, there was nothing like it on the market, and because of that we sold hundreds and hundreds of this design, and then when I designed the Twinskin Log Locking System, I also introduced an insulated version of it, then with its amazing windows and doors, the
Clock House just got better and better, then the low end high volume boys of the market started to copy this design, and now we have sadly very awful manufactured clock houses on the market, and sadly you, the public have no clue what’s good and bad
Now you may say, they are all the same, which is like saying a shed is like a house, because we all know a shed is always poorly manufactured, does not last more than 5 years if you’re lucky, and eventually leaks, but this is not the case with our clock house, a factory cabins clock house is manufactured to last, and I mean last, forget the cheap sector with their claims of a clock house cabin will last 10 years, they never mention their windows and doors, only the box, But the windows and doors are not, and to be courteous, I will just keep shut, but please remember to ask for windows and doors photos before you buy.
As a result, they say, OH, we can upgrade you to our Plastic Windows and Doors, OK, let’s have a look at that.
Most premium UVPC window frames are 70mm to 72mm thick, which the manufacturer claims is robust. While this may be great in a brick house, in a moving timber structure, the rigidity is not a benefit but a hindrance.
But the individuals selling the cabins think you’re unaware and don’t realise that plastic windows and doors belong in a house, not a log cabin. Clock Houses are meant to be built to last the test of time, with incredible windows and doors that look dantey rather than domestic. So it’s gone from a lovely garden structure to a very expensive pile of poop with plastic windows and doors!
Please give us a call if you are looking for a Clock House on +44 208 133 5164, and find out what’s what!