Monthly Archives: September 2024

4m x 7m Twin Skin Log Cabin.

Hi all, another post, and this one has a long story attached to it.
We first started working with our client ( Jackie) 4 years ago, she had 1001 questions, and her desire to have the best log cabin she could afford.

What she wanted was a place where she could clean her pets and also chill out in the garden and just have peace.
What was very important was that it would hold all that Mother Nature could throw at it, as she is in the top end of Scotland, where the weather is one minute sunny then pouring down with rain.

Jackie only wanted one from our cabins, as she was sure that we sold the best, plus we could easily bespoke it to her needs. Jackie had also spoken to a few of our other customers and had asked them about the quality, etc. Also, we said please look around and then, if they are happy, come back. Jackie and her husband, Gerald, decided to go to every dealer in Aberdeenshire and the surrounding areas and check what else was available and what the pricing was.