The ongoing housing crisis in Co. Cork has led to a significant rise in the number of planning applications for log cabins to be used as homes. These cabins are a more affordable option for young couples who cannot afford to buy traditional concrete or brick homes, which cost on average four times the price of a cabin. These cabins can cost between €60,000-€80,000 to construct and are eco-friendly and relatively cheap to heat.
However, the Cork County Council generally only grants permission for such homes to be constructed on the edge of forestry. This policy has led to several applicants being refused, including those who live in rural areas but not next to forests. The current restrictive rules around where such structures can be built have prompted councilors to call for a review of the Rural Design Guide.

Fianna Fáil councillor William O’Leary has received numerous complaints from constituents who have had their planning applications for log cabins refused. He has called for a relaxation of the designated areas where such cabins can be built, stating that the Housing SPC (Special Purposes Committee) must address this issue as a matter of urgency.
Log cabins could also provide cheap accommodation for companies needing workers and enable older couples to downsize and give their homes to younger families. Fine Gael councillor Anthony Barry has stated that log cabins are a sustainable way forward and that we must look at alternatives to traditional housing options.
Council chief executive Tim Lucey has welcomed the motion by Mr. O’Leary and has acknowledged the need for a serious discussion around this issue. Michael Lynch, the council’s director of planning, has also stated that his unit is prepared to look into the request.
Reviewing the Policy for Building Log Cabins in Co. Cork
The Cork County Council’s policy of only allowing log cabins to be built on the edge of forestry has become a controversial issue in the county. Young couples, who cannot afford traditional homes, are increasingly seeking this cheaper option to get a foot on the property ladder. However, the current restrictive rules around where such structures can be built have led to several applicants being refused.
This has prompted councilors to call for a review of the Rural Design Guide, which restricts the designated areas where such cabins can be built. They argue that log cabins could provide a sustainable way forward and that the council needs to address this issue urgently.
The Housing SPC must look at this as a matter of urgency. Log cabins could be a major factor in tackling the housing crisis, and could also provide cheap accommodation for companies needing workers and enabling older couples to downsize and give their homes to younger families.
Log cabins are also eco-friendly and relatively cheap to heat, making them a more affordable option for young couples who cannot afford traditional concrete or brick homes. With the ongoing housing crisis, it’s essential to explore alternative housing options, and log cabins could be a viable solution.
The Cork County Council has acknowledged the need for a serious discussion around this issue, and the council’s director of planning has stated that his unit is prepared to look into the request. Hopefully, a review of the Rural Design Guide will result in a more flexible policy that takes into account the unique circumstances of each applicant, allowing more young couples to get a foot on the property ladder.
The ongoing housing crisis in Co. Cork has led to a sharp rise in planning applications for log cabins to be used as homes. These cabins are a more affordable option for young couples who cannot afford traditional homes, which cost on average four times the price of a cabin. However, the Cork County Council’s policy of only allowing log cabins to be built on the edge of forestry has led to several applicants.
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