Firstly thanks to our long term resellers in countries like Switzerland, who we have been offering our products to their loyal customers for more than 15 years, yesterday we sent 2 Pods and 2 extensions to a new campground that wanted the best.
Camping Pods are manufactured for the Public to enjoy new and exciting experiences so this means they must fall under many different criterias which means that they must be firstly ( safe) manufactured to certain levels of high quality, firstly the windows and doors must be manufactured with toughened glass, next, the roofing tiles must be made of rust proof material, but also act as an armadillo shell protecting the pod from mother nature.
Next the price, sadly the pricing has gone up a lot and I think if it goes up any further they will cease to be manufactured as they are on the limit of being not worth their price tag. I know most companies with make them cheaper by cutting out their guts, cheaper this and cheap that, but! that’s not what we do, ever, because if there were a fire , its a good change you would be in very serious problems.
if you do not manufacture your windows and doors from glulam timber, joinery timber, and you manufacturer them from normal log material, then the chance of them burning quickly is ten fold, that’s why all our windows and doors are manufactured using joinery timber. If you want to save money, then you would use solid timber. if you wanted to save money. then you would cut back on the thickness of the structure, and also cheap tiles, and thinner insulation. Basically cut the guts out. does not do this, will never do this, ……..NO……..If a customer jumps on one of our resellers and asked them for a lower price and our reseller asks us, and of course they will say use cheaper this and cut that, and make this thinner and forget about the second hinge, use less mastic etc, in other words cut the quality out and sell the public rubbish… Not Us….
What we will not do, ever is what 99.9% of other companies will do.
So the question is this, how do you tell, it’s easy ask them the glass thickness, is it toughened, where does the timber from, what moisture content is it, over 12% then they are quickening the drying process. which means the timber will twist. Also what’s very important, now i would say the worst timber to buy is Spruce, as it takes longer to dry, and the impregnation of it is harder, so its a win win for northern pine,and the mills will not want to use electric or gas, or off cuts to dry this spruce for 4 / 6 days, ( pine max 3/4 days) depending on the size of the kiln, about 100m3 which is normal.
So questions now to ask when looking for a cabin, i know this started off talking about camping pods and finished on what to look for, I know doubt will get more awful disgusting reviews all over the place from companies in the industry, written by unhappy cabin company owners ( resellers) , or resellers of resellers, which is normal for me to get, not that I care, because if this blog helps you choose a cabin that will last more than 10 years, then we feel better.
I was asked to write a blog the other day telling everyone that 3 companies in one small part of Eire (Southern) had gone bust, owing many many many 1000’s of euros to their customers. Now it’s really easy to stop this from happening.
You can pay with your debit , credit card, that’s that.
What you do then, if your willing to wait, is call your bank, tell them the company’s name and how much the deposit your paying, etc. The bank will give you advice if you need it. But they will tell you the best way to pay is with your card as you have insurance guarantees with each payment.
The companies offering zero deposits are selling mass produced crap, which you normally can not bespoke, and sadly these companies play off your fear of getting Your deposit stolen, which is really , creating fear as a sales Technique, which I find is disgusting. Imagine this, some guy buys 10 of one size and 10 of another and and and. Then he says buy today delivery tomorrow, and he doubles his money and is gone in a heartbeat. That’s how most do it so beware.
Buying direct is always the best route of action, always. Our prices are better, we do not play games, we make the cabin, house, Pod on time, and more importantly you always pay us BY CREDIT-DEBIT CARD….
It’s like in every country we tell the public to pay our resellers by Debit-Credit Card, so once again please please pay by card, because if the guy/girl who your buying from possibly goes broke, then your not crying, making dramas for yourself and your sitting back , money back in your account, and your ordering it from another company! No tears no drama, if you just pay by Card!
Thanks for reading this and beware. who you buy from, and always by pay by credit – debit card..

New Pods on their way to a campsite somewhere in Switzerland.