Today I decided to write this to help those that want to listen, and believe in the one voice in the industry that really does tell the truth, regardless of sale or no sale.
Many of you are going to be fooled by prices, and this will attract you more than the actual cabin, which is what you are looking for in the first place.
There is no such thing as a cheap log cabin, what there is now is a web full up with cabins that have had their guts cut completely out of them.
So where our roof purlins are 45mm x 225mm, others companies will use 45 mm x 110mm, At the beginning it’s not going to cause too much of a problem, but after a year and your roof will begins to sag and they have gone bankrupt, and left you with false promises of 10 year guarantees, etc, your going to feel sick.
( Put it into a short version, they are selling you the look and not the strength , quality or value )
In 2001, we started selling log cabins into the UK, ( the first) we had to convince the public they were better than cheap, sheds, which they are and always will be, sheds are sadly a waste of money and timber, remember the material most sheds are manufactured from is crap, but if that material was cut a bit thicker, you could manufacture a better building, which would cost only slightly more but last 10 years 15 years longer if treated correctly. Reading terms and conditions is always sensible when sealing with a company whose prices are cheaper than everyone else, as normally you pay and then that’s that! Anyway getting back to 2007/2008 many of the big shed companies started buying from us, cabins, and introducing them to their customer base, we had a happy 3 years, and then every man and his dog started manufacturing cabins and copying most of the designs I had personally done, including the twinskin system and the clock house, but no one was or is as good as us, they are mostly just in it for the money, and when a recession turns up, they go broke, and with that I am bankrupt message goes your deposit, which is why I always say, PAY WITH A CARD!
Sadly the Irish , both sides of the border are deaf to this message, I have no clue why as AIB, and British Banks do not care , sadly they are not in touch with their customer base, just what you owe, and what they lend, if you have money with either they charge you to look after it, it’s disgusting.
Politics is never to be written, but I believe in honesty and justice, also I believe that if a man comes to your house, and take a deposit, and then goes bankrupt, his house, car, land whatever, should be grabbed by the government and sold to reimburse those that were stolen from.
Now in the UK that’s never going to happen, as half of the Millionaires-Billionaires, would be poor men, and the people would be heard, the laws were set to make those of power , more powerful, and the working man to know his place.
And the tradesman who wants to climb up onto the cart of Millionaires must there for play the same game, which is sadly go bankrupt and keep your deposits. Which is what they do. And what happens to them, Zero.
I was watching the news and I saw that the Cargo, Boat Line, P&O ferries sacked 800 staff illegally, and brought in cheap foreign workers, so why don’t we sake P&O ferries from the UK and bring in another boat line that does not break the law, P&O really were not punished. As they put peoples lives at risk by their actions by recruiting a staff of untrained crew, who have no legal right to be in the UK or our waters. Yet the government is weak and sad and just forgets about the British dignity.
So where is this leading, I am highlighting how it is now, how the UK looks at bankruptcy and it’s not the same as it was say 20 years ago. This has a lot to do with our laws, and how WOKE our parliament has become. We have stopped being men, and now we are only a slight shadow of what wer were and our grandfathers were. When there was a wrong we marched on Parliament, Remember the iraq war, WMD’s tony blair and his crew, who are all still sat in parliament, nothing changes regarding breaking the law on bankruptcy because they are all at it themselves.
Thats why I say, PAY BY CARD, then the thieving scoundrels, will be held to account, because the banks hate to lose and will take the merchant holder to court, and they will put them in prison, and they will put the Police on them, so PAY BY CARD.
I know I go on and on,but soon this world has changed, and man’s manners have got lost, greed and dishonesty live at every corner of most of the mouths of most traders in this market, and crap that is sold is just unworthy of the payment you make.
Ready, this is written on a web site, And it’s all crap!
- Special wall logs with double tongue for improved steadiness * all wall logs have double tongue and groove,
- Floor boards 21 mm, floor joists 60/80 mm and roof beams with dimensions at least 80/160 mm. Floorboards minimum 28mm and Roof purlins always 45 mm x 220mm, floor joists are normally a bespoke size, depending on insulation wanted by customer. Our customer base is always bespoking.
- Windows from glued timber (68 mm system), with double glass and rubber seals (Our Standard)
- Tilt/turn hinges from a German manufacturer (Our Standard)
- Double doors from laminated timber (cladded from both sides) (Our Standard)
- NEW Tirolean joint (only 90 degrees corners are possible in this system) This type of log cut is not strong, it needs a metal rod of quite a large diameter and tightening monthly. Which means you need metal throughout the whole cabin through the walls, which is very costly.
- We tried this with glulam Larch timber, which is far stiffer and 100X stronger than this timber shown, and it was a massive, costly mistake. It has zero in the way of strength. Plus if you notice the t&G is cut cheaply. Now you might ask yourself why i put this down,

There is a reason for this, its because this company wants you to waste your hard earned money on a New Product, it’s not new, the russians were making there barns in this style 100’s of years ago, then they went to the new way, why because Dovetail joints leak, they have actually no core strength. no I say this for buildings, and if you rod, and dowel and screw the logs together and you use this joint, fine, but the companies that sell this will not go to this length and that why its a con of a joint.
Whats do I know about Joint, look below, and then ask me again.

We can manufacture any kind of joint in the world, the machine we have is so sophisticated that it can make a cup from a 400mm x 400mm piece of Siberian Larch Glulam, or all the purlins for Lidl. Whichever is ordered. As you can see we manufacture lengths of timber possibly none of you could imaging could exist, check out these glulam lengths below…

Yep longggggg…
Anyway I have completely forgotten what I was talking about, trust, credit cards, going bust, running off with your credit cards, distrusting people who write rubbish.
I have people on a daily basis thank me for this blog as it puts the true light into the business, so my lasting thoughts to you from me, on this Sunday night are these, 99.9% of all the companies have been bust at least once, they all cut down the safety features of their cabins, in other words, same cabins in looks only half of the timber is used to manufacturing it now. Windows and doors, may look like my new ones, but none of them are, and as the founding father of this log cabin industry in the UK an Ireland I would say very confidently that no one has given more thought of designs, higher standards of build quality, and has kept prices as low as we have and 99% of all companies selling cabins in the UK are not worth even half of what they’re advertised for. When we first started manufacturing here in the Baltics it took us about four years to actually get everyone to understand the level we needed for the UK market and still we have to push each and every day to keep that level high. Otherwise the market from outside would be a mess there are companies that manufacture log Cabins and Timber Frame buildings that are absolutely rubbish and not even worth looking at but how do you tell ( Mr Customer) when every 3D image or 3-D video looks the same as everyone else’s, So you run to the show site where the best of the best cabins they have ever made are on display. It is never a good idea to go to a show site and get your head filled up with their lies, its always best to speak to one of their customers, and ask them how it all went, or maybe 5 customers or 10, this way you will have a honest review on who and what they pretend to be.
We have been here from the beginning, and honestly speaking 99% of this industry is full of conmen!