OK…. there is quality and there is Factory Cabins which has the highest quality regard on design, build and price.
In todays life, there are lots of people that really want the best of the best, and it is a forgone conclusion that if you manufacture with the best materials and very highly skilled craftsman the outcome will be a product of intense beauty, to with stand mother nature and the years in front.
Many people buy a log cabins or a Timber Frame Buildings due to aesthetically pleasing pictures, and 3d videos companies show case.
We are very different, we design amazing houses, but we build superb timber frame buildings, as a drawing is never as good as the real thing!
This is exceptional quality as you can see, and with out fault, and where can you buy this from, Well, sadly only us, why? because we manufacture houses to the highest standard on the planet, and our skilled craftsman are the best of the best. Which really does mean…….
we are the best and thats that!
I will say this till I am blue in the face, but no matter what country you are in, if the builder wants cash, always say to yourself this one question, does your boss in Tesco’s, of in the bank , or where ever you work pay your salary in cash, no he does it through the bank, and you do the same, and my personal recommendation is
Sadly I have seen too many self employed cabin sellers, resellers, in England and Ireland steal, and I mean they have no intension at all in ever giving you the cabin, they just steal. So my advice, is to speak to a minimum of 10 of their previous customers before giving them a penny, then pay them by card. That way your safe.