Shocked is not the word, this is disgusting, its all most as bad as price of sheds, decking, and other timber related goods in the UK, and the amount people are charging you , its a rip off. Sadly the south is hit the hardest, and then London and the areas around it.
I just want to show the difference in this brief blog.
When looking for a cabin, please think about the 44mm x 44mm log cabins on factory cabins, cheaper than the rest, we designed this system, and we are the leaders in this, plus our windows and doors are with out doubt the best then anyones.
Check out these cabins.

Now we will show you similar cabins of ours but please check out our pricing. Its mind blowing.
OK the first is bigger than that displayed by www. i love your money .com, And the price for out larger more unique, better designed, better actually in every way in 70mm is £5040 ex works, where our www. i love your money .com, £4581 more. Hello, is some one just a dumb stupid greeedy idiot or what, trading standards should be knocking tomorrow at your door. Virus does not mean we rip people off.

Then here comes the real , serious rip offs, Check out the two last cabins, and you will see they are both priced similar, one in 35mm, thats not a bad size if you want cheap and cheerful, and then there is 44mm which is my favourite, and it hardly splits and never twists if its put up quickly and treated, put on a good flat base and you add the gutters etc. Flat base, gutters, good body stain, decent roof covering and a good drain away and our cabins will last 20 + years, I personally have the first ever 44mm twin skin building ever made, and i can say hand on heart do a good job at the beginning and it could out live you, and i have designed the windows and doors to be super hardy!
Below is a building that is say £3000 cheaper than both, yet is bigger, better looking, it has my designed roof, and your friends will do a back flip when they go inside and have a look at your new chill out room. bar, pool room, or just office.

And if the mill cuts the corners from its timber logs it means they are twisted and it stops you seeing the twist. Now you know and you know what to look out for and not buy.