OK… As you know I say it straight from the hip and I never say something with out evidence, whats really funny is that, when i write something, some stupid, middleman in the UK, who has never been in a forest in his life, and i mean in the middle of the Russian Forest, and seen felling, harvesting of the logs, and seen the full process, has no clue about anything about cabins, apart from the fact that even in these hard times and the price of timber is rising up and up, they still want to rip you off as quickly as they can.
So i was Really shocked and surprised, when i saw one of my cabin designs, from years and years ago, and the price of it, made me laugh, because it should be called “I like to RIP YOU OFF, not i love cabins, more like i love money.
I like LogCabins ,Imagine, £ 13.732.78
Factory Cabins £ 5880, and its the same size cabin, my windows and doors are amazing, no clue about the other company, but the price difference you could buy hand made wooden bespoke metal facial windows and doors. German, and still have change. So why the high prices? Yes my cabins are are all priced ex works, yes mine have zero taxes, so add £ 3000, tax and transport, and you get £8056, I make a profit still, so why the £13.732.78 ?…… Many words come to mind, but i will let you make your mind up which one to use.
Evidence…….. i have added the link of this page, https://www.ilikelogcabins.com/search/for/5m%20x%207m, this link will be stored on https://archive.org/web/, so if they delete it, like most do, you have the ability to go back and check their site if you want before they remove their page or my images. I love reporting this kind of Greed……

Its really up to you as the buyer who you decide to buy from, but do not moan about how long it takes to get to you, we have a virus which is global, and it seriously messes up everything when you least expect. But that does not mean you can be rude, selfish and disrespectful. We all want you to get your cabin in the hour you pay, but its not that easy any more.
And if you see this stupid sign that says buy British, then remember one thing, we do not have any timber left, none, exactly 12 thousand sq miles of it, which is zero, or I will put it another way.
We have 82 billion cubic meters of timber to play with, which is 45% of the country.
Also another unknown fact, Right now, vast swathes of Russia are covered in “illegal” forests. 10% of all the forest in Russia (that’s an area about twice the size of Spain) lies in areas formerly or currently designated as agricultural land .This does mean its amazing, that we have vast forests, simple more trees, less food, less food grown, higher prices. Spain land mass is 195, 464 Sq miles, UK has only 12000 Sq miles of forest, do you see the picture now???

Of the 31,380 square kilometres (12,120 sq mi) of forest in Britain, around 30% is publicly owned and 70% is in the private sector. More than 40,000 people work on this land.
The area of the forest land actually covered by forests is 7,95 million km2 (3069512.16 sq mil) (RussianGovernment, 2020). Around 33.5% of the total forested area is composed of primaryforests, 64.1% of otherwise naturally regenerated forests, and the remaining 2.4% of planted forest.
(12,120 sq mi)
(306,951,216 sq mil)
As you can see a slight difference, which means this……. STOP CUTTING TIMBER IN THE UK give the forests a rest……… Rest my case…