So what are we writing about today, what can i possibly write and it will seem to be completely different than anything else I have written in the past, I have said so many truths yet most of you do not know the difference between a timber frame house, or a Log cabin or a fucking post box painted Red, why don’t you just call me and ask what you need to known, i know all the scumbags in this industry and the good ones,I know the ones that in 2008 went bust and the ones who just go on holidays 6 times a year and actually have never even see your buildings, and know 0% about log cabins, in general. seriously, but there is hope yet, as I am becoming slowly but surely the Agony Aunt, and today i received some photos and a small cry for help, as the company these respectable, hard working British family bought their £9.000 cabin from in 44mm, were just completely fucked over , ( I swear, don’t like it go away)…so their money was taken and the company did a typical Baltic Runner. As from the 1st of January, Trading standards will no doubt shut them down, prosecute and fine this company.
Ok firstly, if something starts with the words Quick, it normally means trouble, remember what our grandparents told us, slowly, slowly catch yeah monkey, and that is in all things, And anyone thinks something racist about that, fuck off back from whence you came.
OK that bit cleared up, Quick and the wording Garden, spells to me one thing, leaking, bad, cheap, and crap and Debbie, her son Charlie and her family were told, informed that their cabin was the nuts, the bees knees, the cream of cabins, the best of the best and all that crap ….. They have informed trading standards, and they have also mentioned that this company loves using the wording Residential Friendly (( Hello everyone it means NOTHING )) You can put up build type, as it is a type style in build design, but you can not mention residential friendly, as that is implying it has U values, structural calculations and is winterized, which it is not..
So story goes something like this…..
Grandmother dies, and leaves grandson money, grand son in his 20’s decides he will move out into the garden and give his mum and dad some peace, and also gives him time to romance his girlfriend as much as he likes behind his own curtains, in his cabin, he yard, his space, and he has wanted his own log cabin for a very long time, and had been going on the net looking for the quality and size he needed, so he sadly was taken in by all the crap and waffle most of the companies write, and he made a QUICK decision, he was looking for his space, and something he was going to pay for himself. A typical strong, fighting fit, English Boy, character and grit. But too trusting, if its cheap, quick and says garden its means CRAP!
So the cabin of his dreams arrived, he was told it was perfect to live in, it was put on a concrete base and off you go, the builders came in £1600 to build it, that in itself was a rip off, as a 44mm should have cost half that, but recession being , prices are high…
So Charlie, went out to see his finished cabin, and Quickly he became upset, when it rained and rained and rained, and then he realised that he was not just getting in water leaking in through the roof, and walls , yes walls, but also the floors and then the doors and windows leaked, and his heart was broken, his bed was wrecked, carpet, and belongings.
And guess what our trading standards division in the UK, which is versed on this company are doing nothing , why , because they have had funding pulled, and do not have the man power to do anything, and even though this is a multi million pound fraud going on each and every week, they are too blind and stupid to do anything or police it.
So we police it, with my blogs and other blogs that really know this industry.
I have put a lot of photos with this blog.
Just so you can see for yourself, never buy anything that has quick attached to the name..
Always pay with a credit card.
Remedy for this cabin, the doors and windows are absolute cheap rubbish, not fit for purpose, change them, please go to our page https://www.logcabinslv.co.uk/premium-windows-doors-gallery/, send us the sizes and colour you want them, and we will send them to you. Next the whole cabin you must varnish it in decking varnish for yachts. At least 3 coats. And a 44mm building is not a residential building, it’s not even building reg friendly….. it will be never ever fit to sleep in, ever… it is a glorified shed, nothing more. Actually some sheds, as they are timber framed are better, unless you buy a twinskin.
Second remedy, ask a local independent registered carpenter to come in and make a full assessment on the cabin, faults, windows and doors, etc, and them put that to trading standards, they will then send a summons to the company, if they do not pay, then, there is a Lithuanian institution , https://www.antstoliai.lt/vbp/public, and these people will take the money from the companies account immediately. It does not matter if it’s a UK resident or Lithuanian, you bought the cabin while being an EU citizen , which means they can not run from you. Assets or money will be taken from them, if a court rules against them.
If the Lithuanian court rules in their favour, you can then seize any goods coming into the “UK” country from this company and sell it till your settlement is upheld. And as they sell possibly 500 buildings a month into UK, and the trucking invoice will obviously confirm their company name, you have no problems in getting your money back quickly.
If I were you I would speak to them and tell them to take it back, and just refund you the full amount, to them its peanuts, but if they push this , they will loose, and they will then loose their check rate, complain to their bank and credit card company, and make them problems.


I am going to keep shut, you decide…..
Always remember that you must always have a correct drainaway,,,, mother nature is a bitch most of the time, so keep water away , completely away, from your log cabin, the log cabin should be off the floor, and that’s the first rule, there are many others, and that you should never buy a cheap cheap cheap log cabin, as it will come back to bite you in so many awful ways.