OK imagine, I sit for hours and hours and i try after designing over 7000 buildings for the UK garden market, to come up with something new and interesting, my time and energy, plus not forgetting my money, to create something amazing. For You!
So I design a whole new range of garden offices, not because they are the best, or that i am the best designer, ( I am with without doubt ) , and that every one, and i mean everyone copies exactly what i do, ( the clock house) the ( The Interlocking Twin Skin).
Skinners Sheds whos webdesigner “decides” or is told to steal our images from our website and then gives our design to his very bad manufacturer who has a bad name for one going broke and running away and not paying for his timber and other things, and two is known in the industry for having lots of missing parts, skinners uses this mill to copy our designs, the mill supply awfully cheap windows and doors, are known for late deliveries and also this mill uses Baltic timber, which as we all know is fast grown rubbish! Forgetting all of that, for a moment;;;;
Dunster, and his discounts which he does every month, and actually 90% of the Piggy Dealerships sadly do the same. they all shout buy now as prices rising etc, , by the way timber has not gone up, so anyone who says it has, well they are truly mistaken and really do know anything, as I sit here in the forests, i sell timber, buy it, cut it and export it, SO I DO as i sell 40000 m3 a month) ,
so what is the the truth?
The truth is timber is just being withheld from you, you see , if you call President Vladimir Putin a Russians Fuc..g Bastard, and the Belarusians leader President Viktor Lukashenko a dictator and all the names under the sun, do not expect the next day for them both to say, arr poor UK here’s some cheap timer. because like gas, oil and other stuff you don’t have a lot of and especially””” timber””””, which the UK has very little of, and you are still cutting your Oaks, you do know it’s bad luck to cut Oak, ”’any way I digress, sorry “expect from both Russia and Belarus some very fancy, and beautifully, eloquently said swear words in Russian said to the UK, and everything to do with timber changes and you now can expect low grade timber, as you see I show cased in Arch Lesures Pods, article, CRAP! photos below in case you forgot. or missed that blog…
( Remember this, Russia helps the UK in so many ways, culture, and Timber for Housing, money and also Russia shows us again, how to stand on our feet and be independent). We have followed to long idiots. I personally have decided to stop following and start to stop the degrading nature of a business,I personally started 20 odd years ago, Log Cabins. Time to go back to the beginning, and reprice it all again. This time without the likes of Dunster House, Skinners, Johnsons, and, Garden Buildings Direct, and the rest, …… Lets see them all drop their pricing to mine. lol…. that will be the day)
Arch Leisure and his amazing timber, what a pile of crap,Seriously……………….. Keep going down for photos.
Fu..ing Disgusting. Like all Dealerships he does not care, and he knows nothing about timber.
These knots are often black and may contain bark or pitch pockets separating the dead-limb wood from the living stem wood. Such black knots are more formally known as encased knots. . knots are typically considered to be undesirable defects in wood
So Mr Arch Lesure, you paneling inside your new and amazing crap pods are lined out with defective timber……… As always we like to help ( The Public)

Seriously, this is what the UK has come to, home grown, backstreet mills, buying defective timber, and manufacturing and selling BADLY MANUFACTURED COPIES OF OUR products for £1000’s more, with CRAP timber.
Sorry keith…. Must say,,, Brit to a Brit, selling this rubbish to other Brits, is dispicable.

Next, when, and i mean WHEN did cabins not have floors???????????? I have never sold a cabin without a floor, and a 28mm floor as standard. what is this about??? seriously???

And I love this next bit…. Please everyone, pic one of our cabins, say any DF log cabin, call us, we will give u a quote, delivered to your home. and Trust me this is going to hurt Dunster.
How do you break the Dealerships, easy, play them at their own greedy game, so Dunster House Log Cabins have said 10% from any quote you get to a similar log cabin, well our cabins are 100% better, in every way, and cheaper, in every way, and we want you to go to them with our quote and get them to give you 10% off that! you win, win , win, because price promise is a price promise. And a 4m x 5m log cabin with a roof and a floor is as near as you need to be. if we are offering better, windows, and better thicker flooring for less, they must adhere to their price promise. so if our cabin is £2000 cheaper they must add their 10% to that! so that’s £2200. I love price promises, because in the end they backfire.

OK next, have not forgotten Skinner Sheds, OH NO!

It was £11.190.00, wow, that’s absolutely amazing, cheap, eh! Now discounted From, I love From, means nothing, but let’s keep him at his word, from, what ever, £9.190.00, that’s £1910, pounds off, seems a lot , wow, well done boys, for selling my designed cabin so cheap, and discounted. Always check 70mm timber from the Baltics for splits, if it is not treated almost instantly, baltic 70mm will split terribly. TERRIBLY………
But let’s look at the real cost of that cabin from us here at the Mill.

Yep our price is as you can expect is a lot cheaper.
Why? because we manufacturer it, and why are we so much cheaper, because we are not greedy. Shout out to all dealers, stop selling 19mm floor and 19mm roof, shows to the public your a bulk mill manufacturer, rather like condoms, millions, manufactured and only good once, then, throw it away! Dealers are greedy and that’s why Mr and Mrs Public Factory Cabins is here to stop you (1) getting ripped off) (2) getting lower prices, (3) getting the best quality, (4) great customer service ( 5) Full turn Key Service. yep also you can pay us with a credit card, and we will be offering also finance.
OH.. forgot to mention… Skinners, 70mm we are £ 2596 Cheaper ex works. And remember this, our quality is 100% better, we do not have missing logs, and if that cabin ever was 11.190, then, it would have meant we were £4596 ex works cheaper. That’s an insane amount! the cabin seems big, but its not, it’s only 31.5 sq m , 6 windows and a double door. and they wanted £11.190. Seriously! oh, with some free shingles that are of questionable quality for that roof which really needs honestly an EPDM covering for it to be efficient. Anyway, we are here to stay, please check out our new and very exciting range The Standard Range coming soon, 102 buildings, that should keep skinners thief web designer busy enough to take off our water marks and offer another of our ranges.
To all you out there that we care about, ditch the dealers and come direct, why pay a guy £2000+ to make a call and just buy a cabin from us?
And!!!!!!! Seriously , i do not understand why you all waste your money on Backstreet Dealerships who are as you can see just ripping you off when purchasing a cabins.
Can anyone explain why you all beat each other up for toilet rolls…… Has England gone mad, because you throw your money away and pay double for cabins , and kill each other for bog paper…