Camping Pods, they are all the rage now, “AGAIN” so many people are looking for them, and so many people are buying “Podbins”, yes “Podbins” and I coined the phrase” remember Kevin Langham coined the phrase PodBins” I also coined the phrase Clock House Log Cabins, Twinskin Log Cabins and now “Podbins”, and as the popularity of garden offices and Pods for camping in the UK resurges again camping pod sadly the build quality because of demand is becoming criminal and that’s where PODBIN came from…. You heard it first here on LV…

I have added a few images, or what I like to say is my designs from the heart, at what can be achieved with in a small space, yet giving everyone a fantastic feeling (warmth love and home) because when you’re at home your safe, when you are in my Pods, your home, just with a twist. But the love of my design, and the warmth of the build quality, envelops you in the spirit of a great stay and Holiday!

Also my camping pod designs, that have been copied, and sadly some look or are in the PODBIN department, one company comes to mind, yep! Old man Keith from Arch Leisure is a prime example of that Podbin production, evolution, sadly Keith the owner has been selling toilets and showers, also low end caravans for so many years, he believes his copies of my pods, and a few other peoples designs, but done in his way, the dreaded awful disgusting caravan way, in other words he manufacturers them like a caravan, they may look like a pod, but in reality they are just a curved version of a very cheap and cheerful ugly awful caravan, as its in his blood, just shows where him and other like him are headed, extinction! , as are many others. The British public do not want a Caravan type environment any more, it’s time to wake up and treat our public with respect, we are not in Joe Butlins time, it’s gone, I know your reaching 70 soon Keith and you think you know what people want, you don’t, that’s why your prime business is toilet and showers. And even they are awful. Sorry, but they remind me of going to football as a child the smell and the doors hanging off and showers not working properly, and everything slippery and dirty. I hope the awful looking Podbins you have built, last and do not leak and that whoever has bought them understands you know nothing about nothing in construction and you have sold them a PODBIN.

Very soon, I will start a Blog and I and a structural engineer will rip the heart out of 999.9% of pods manufactures, and advice you the customer what is and is not safe to purchase. Safety firstly comes in structure, and that means a professional timber craftsman, I do not mean a chippy, I mean a guy who understands the force that mother nature can and does frequently attack small and large buildings. You must not forget we manufacture houses on a daily basis to high spec of TEK 17 which is the Norwegian build regulations, and we build over 250 houses a year this means we understand what is and is not good when it comes to manufacturing, as we are considered the best of the best

Mother nature attacks what ever it is, a pod a house a barn, and domestic building, or non domestic building the same, principles stay the same, and we must take into effect the wind loads, weights and pressures and the pressure inside and outside, how to tape a timber frame so the Sat rating is in the 0.2 mark, not like in the UK where its 10 ( Air sealing) and how to keep a pod from being blown over or allowing the wind to cave in the roof, and all these small details goes into our pods, because we put our pods in extreme places, which means our camping pods are at the top end of the market, and not to be mistaken for the PODBIN’s out there and

Lastly the windows and doors must be certified against Fire, and theft, also have the CE stamp attached. And make sure they have not used the window or door frame as a key part of the strength of structure, this would mean the glass can blow out, under high pressure, many back street companies do this and not realise what they are doing, standing in front of a large window and it explodes, well, you can imagine what the insurance company would do with you, and police, plus the health a safety, so be smart. Always. Think LV, as we have done all the thinking for you.

Tan House, Tan Office, the cost is about 9000 pounds ex works , but is 100% amazing, made this about 8 years ago, yes we are ahead of everyone always. Siberian larch , fully kitted out!

…………………….The best is LV………………..

If any one asks me to make this,,,,,,, NO…………Never again,,,,, awful desgin, manufacturing it was a nightmare and alot of amazing Russian Northern Pine C24 graded timber was cut to make this.

Above shows you that our camping pods are built for strength in so many ways. But also they are the only pods built by senior house manufacturers who understand everything about everything. We lead the way, the others attempt to copy. ,,,,,,,,,BEWARE OF THE PODBINS!

Please look how thick the roof is above, this timber frame beautiful A++ building can with stand anything mother nature will ever throw at her!

Yes I know you love it, and so does the owner he bought quite a few! it’s not about fighting to win a camping pod order that counts for us, it’s about making sure that we treat everyone as family, and as family we want you to get the best, and the best, comes from us, our thoughts are not driven by our wallet but by the love of our designs workmanship and longevity, beauty of what we manufacture to blend in and compliment the surroundings. And to offer people a new kind of feeling, and new warmth and a new love in there lives!

Regarding purchasing Cabins, Timber Buildings or any item from Self Employed Dealers. Resellers, who sell our LV or FC brand, if you went to the Self Employed Dealers, reseller, first, please do not come to us, if you have a question, concerns please call us, but as they are resellers, we are unable to do anything legally to them regarding their prices , Please remember and do not forget a business needs earn money, we can say what we think they should be sold at, but we cannot by law demand they sell it at what we think. So, it’s always best to look at other websites, and please remember our cabins are high quality, so like for like pricing will be difficult, but there are a few companies out there that are the same nearly as ours and you can gauge if the pricing if fair or not.
I say this all the time, pay with a credit card………. It keeps you safe.
We have no claim or claims to our dealerships working practises, or who and what they do. We are not responsible for deposits they may take, and we are not responsible for broken doors, windows, or bad workmanship, fitted kitchens, bad fitted bathrooms etc, we however would like to be told this in writing so we can take the matter to the company concerned and ask them to help you with your concerns.
When we deliver a cabin to our resellers, they are the owner of that cabin, timber building etc, until they give it to you, you don’t even own it, once its delivered to you, you sign for it, but before you do, inspect it, you can refuse to sign for it if there is damage. The law is on your side, however if you have had a bespoke cabin made for you, and there are missing parts, or a broken door, you cannot return this, the company (reseller) has 28 days, or whatever his T and C’s say in which to fix your Log Cabin. We have some amazing resellers, and they will bend over to help you have that amazing cabin in your garden.
Here is a note to everyone, only buy a cabin if your job is secure, and you can afford it, as most cabins are bespoke manufactured for you, refunds are almost impossible. So please beware of this.
Please take note, please,please always ask if you can pay with a credit card.
Thank you for reading.