OK lets start dissecting this pod sold by Archleisure and really look at what its manufactured from.Actually it does not say much, just blar this and Blar that, and of course they use TLX silver, which LV were the first to offer, and still do, actually we now offer, Gold, and silver, depending on the customers wishes and needs. But lets study this photo, and by the way if you happen to go to https://www.archleisure.co.uk/camping-pods-for-sale.html the marjority of the pods he is showing on his website are LV’s , he just went to a cheaper , shed manufacturer to copy our designs after 8 years of doing business, so he could make them cheaper and as you can see, not as well built. If you look at the timber along the side of this pod ( picture below) you will notice one thing very quickly, there are no stress grooves cut into the back of any of the timber, which means eventually it will twist, and that’s bad. Actually its suicide for that particular building. Next i do not see any grading marks of C24 anywhere on any of his production photos, and actually i do not see him say his windows and Trada certified, or that his timber is FSC, or what size glulams he uses. And as there is only one decent glulam mill in the UK, i have a feeling his are not made with certified glulam.
If you want to purchase a quality Camping Pod, and Archleisure this is not the company to purchase from!
I added a page view, just so my old friend Keith could not actually deny that he was selling our designs and decided to rip them off and make a cheap copy of them, but its easy as a customer to find out if this is true just by going to ,waybackwhen, and there all websites copies are held.
Anyway getting back to this pod copying company, which is rather funny actually, as he was so upset when someone stole his arch design, and how everyone was a crook, but when you have very greedy mouths to feed decent Common sense and Chivalry go out the window and greed takes it place.
And the public are fooled into thinking they are buying a quality pod, when in fact they are not, they are buying a copy of a quality Pod! logcabinslv is the best pod maker in the UK and europe thats a fact. everything else on the market is a copy and mostly is crap! If its not manufactured by skilled carpenters, then what your purchasing is not going to last. And no one in the UK can ever get our Northern Siberian Larch Cladding, EVER!!! No matter what they say, they can’t. I have been in the timber business 28 years, and the UK never gets our quality of timber.
So Keith, Mr Archleisure man, who’s website is made up of 90% of my products and you sell inferior to the customers under the guise that they are LV, now the public know.
We do not sell our pods or any items to www.archleisure.co.uk. If you want a pod, and want a company that will actually travel to site, check on how things are coming along, from the first to last day, and will service your pods and help you, and not just earn money by sitting at a desk and expecting everyone else to do the tidying up, then please give us a call or send an email.
logcabinslv.co.uk, the company behind the best pods in the industry, we designed them, the rest just copy!

A pod should be manufactured like this…. I am forgetting……….

If timber was so amazing for roofing…………… why then are there no houses with wooden roofs? Easy answer, timber is not waterproof, cracks and splits after a very short time, needs to be treated regularly and this is Cedar Clad, which has a lower amount of tanis than larch,and i still would not use larch ever as a roofing material, its solely for claddings. It’s a pity the people who come up with these ideas actually understood timber…..

Thank you for reading…. Do not make a mistake a buy a copy! Buy a good solid camping pod from the guys that started this revolution, the freedom for campsites, don’t feed the guys who only think about cash….. And trust me, they never come when there’s a problem and blame you for everything when it goes badly wrong.