www,logcabinssussex.co.uk is one of our leading web sites in the south east of the UK, and as such we have linked it to our main sites to let the customers know that factory prices are now available from us from all our websites, we are now the leading light once again in the industry, the cowboys have all fallen from their horses, the ones that lied and cheated daily have gone bankrupt, ( hopefully you’re not affected by them) its dangerous now to give anyone deposits, too many manufacturing plants have gone bust, and the prices sadly for many items will increase as sales degrease, it’s the way of the recession, I have been in two, and i know that recessions are used by dealers to take deposits and then go bankrupt and use it as an excuse to steal blindly from you. We have been here from the very beginning and we will be here till the end, we understand that now every penny counts which is why we have brought an end to all our resellers, So if you’re looking for a bespoke log cabin, or just a plain old cabin for the lawn mower, or your looking for a fully insulated room, to either use as a full time office or sleep in, then we are the folks to chat to.