The Anastasia Clock House which is under 2.5m tall, which falls into the permitted building rights, meaning no need for permission to erect in your garden in the UK is the most superior clock house of its kind in the UK, and the price of this clock house out beats everything in quality, and price.
Let’s start looking at the windows and doors, there are multiple choices, you can have the box standard ones that are amazing quality, but really are the same as everyone else’s, they are waterproof, made to last, but really just normal every day windows and door cabin quality, the same as all the other companies, then there are our Deluxe range which we tend to call the standard range, as most people want them, they cost a bit more but in reality the extra you pay is slight compared to the level of quality you get. Please press to follow link to Doors, Windows.
OK thats the windows and doors sorted, as you will have seen by following the link, Nothing, nothing is better than these in the market to date for a garden log cabin, nothing, and with all the german hardware attached, manufactured with joinery glulam timber, and with our new designed attachment system so no more windows that just sit inside the walls or rock about, our windows and doors screw in , the first time, this system has been available in the cabin industry, I can hear you all shouting why, well it took a Clever Chap, (me) to figure out what was wrong, fix it and make it work.But seeing as I am the longest running company in this industry and was the first to sell into the UK and also design most of everything that is sensible and works in this market, it was only time that i would attack the windows and doors and make them slightly better, actually the best they can be.

As you can see by our drawings here, our under 2.5m clock house is not just built with a strong roof, OH! no its built with a roof that thor could throw his hammer at, and it would bounce off ,with purlins that are 60mm x 160, yes 60×150, not the dreaded 45mm by 130 , and if you count there are 8 solid purlins holding up your roof.
And that’s Not all that makes this Clock House that’s under 2.5m tall so special, its manufactured from the tightest of grain Scots Pine, not some fast growing rubbish which is called ( wastelogs) or as the Companies out there in fantasy Cabin world call Pine.
Precision cut, and using the latest technology we are talking about hand crafted, extreme quality log cabins. And with 33 on the range at the moment you are very spoiled for choice.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you understand that now you truly are looking at the best of the best cabins available in the UK at stupidly low pricing compared to everything else on the market.
Bets Regards,
LV Team.