This is the beginning of a new era in Log Cabins where the prices go back to sensibility, the timber is not quick grown rubbish, and the timber quality is better than anything you have seen to date. This is not a joke, but you are paying at the moment over 800-1600 euro per cubic meter depending on the thickness of the log and what species. ( FACT) And the timber is in every sense quick grown pine-spruce,…. Read on……

The Baltics timber is OK… some of it is excellent, if the tree is 60 years plus, but there is not much left., and sadly now most is FAST GROWN and thats why its sold cheaply in bulk by the governments, IKEA pay per cubic meter if you look what per hectare yields that being 250 cubic meters of unseasoned logs approx, give or take 2% , the price per cubic meter is 7 euros, YES 7!!! you pay per cubic meter for your log cabin a massive 800-1600 euros plus. that is for a finished board ( you must remember that it goes through quite a difficult process to make it a square edged ,cabin log) ( kiln drying and and and ) .! However Ikea does get it cheap, and the reason for this is simple, the timber is fast grown crap! ((FACT))… Which is why 70% of it it made into board.. Ikea uses 1% of the worlds timber a year! , and do you know what’s funny, they have a FSC badge….. talk about deforestation. I would love to see the fuel bill from all the people and all the cars used and trucks used to haul that amount of timber out of all the forests, and see how much fuel that came to, and then the trucks and people and and replanting if they do??? I think the ECO ethos of this company was lost long ago.
We have been looking for the replanting photos,can’t find any, found millions of their products though, I think we should all think about how green Ikea really is?
And it’s not just Ikea!!!! We are not singling out this company. just putting facts down as they really are.
www,logcabins,, realise its difficult to change your supplier, who has actually been ripping you off for more than a few years and have gotten very wealthy , and each and every year rise the price of the cabins without actually making your cabin quality any better in any way at all, especially after so many years of lies being told to you about best prices ( which is absolutely shameful lying ) , but everything you have been purchasing lately ( that’s for more than 7 years) is extremely overpriced, and the quality is in our regard crap, its shameful. Most glulam cabins from the baltics are made on vertical presses, and are in essence just loads of finger jointed off cuts , I have seen finger jointed timber manufactured one log that is, from 4 bits of timber, thats madness, that means the log has four joints at the end, and its massively finger jointed through out the log, because of the lack of quality timber, the mills are sticking together whatever they can to manufacture what they call Glulam from, and is sold to you as quality glulam, and what we call here at LV a waste made log (wastelogs) ! It’s not what i would call a beautiful log by any means. many cabins are manufactured from (wastelogs)…
All you have to do is purchase one building of our small 3x4m cabins lets call it a , a “PUNT” and then you will see that what we are telling you is the truth, and why not try it in 80mm Glulam, the prices are near on the same and a Baltic 44mm, but you get so much more for your pound.
Our standard windows and doors will come from our specialised window and door manufacturer for log cabins, and we can honestly say hand on heart our windows and doors are better than anything on the market to date.
Glulam Logcabins , Glulam 2 bed room log cabins, Glulam Garages

To explain the market takes a lot of reading and believing what you read, and then watching for the signs, the first sign we saw were last year when Belarus stopped selling all unseasoned timber to the Baltic’s, this was a sign that the Belarusian government had seen the light thank god, and understood that the Baltic’s were getting seriously fat and extremely wealthy from their timber resources, ( Belorussians now will reap the rewards and the money once coming into the Lithuanian government coffers that was just wasted on guns, tanks, Army, and stuff that they have never really needed will now be spent on Belarusian schools and, kindergartens, and pensions and higher wages as they were only earning a fraction of the actually value of their timber which was being exported to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
This was a very smart and clever move by their President. Alexander Lukashenko
However there are extreme consequences to come to the Baltic nations because of the lack of now raw material NOT coming over the border.
Firstly, the price of the cubic meter went up drastically, as Belarus now will only sell timber that is kilned, molded and possible notched. Which means that the waste material that comes from this timber is now not available to the Baltic’s to use for their kilns, this makes a huge difference, no more Eco heating pellets in bulk, and plus the Lithuania government have from the first of January 2020 upped its price of gas by a huge 15% plus electric, and to make matters worse for the Lithuanians the tariff is on amount, so the more you use the higher the tariff. Some say unfair, but when you have a country that only has a Police Force that is not corrupt, but everything else around you is, then you have problems. I am all for the Lithuanian Police Force, they will even arrest a President. But sadly they do not make the policies. It would be perfect if the chief of police of Vilnius Renatas Požėla or someone of this man’s rank was elected President. Then Lithuania would be a just and serving country to all. ( Nothing political here, just observations).
So as you can imagine this will increase prices drastically next year and the years to come, which means you either pay more for your log cabin and earn minus or look for a different cabin supplier. The customers will not keep earning And as we were the first in the UK to sell cabins, designed pretty much every design now offered by everyone, including our Clock house, twin skin system etc, we think that we have the right to share with you, the customer the truth.
Fact, Belarus planted 145.000 hectares of Pine /Spruce since 2014. And it’s a fact that the country is 49% forest. Also fact is that The Belarusian President believes his forests to be the jewel of the country and understands the value of replanting and conservation and forest management. This is Fact……… Fact, Belarusian timber if we pick Scots Pine is in my opinion one of the best in this end of the world.
None of this is guess work, or fantasy, its fact, and life for the cabin industries in the Baltic’s will change and sadly not for the better.Over the next 10 years will be gone at the rate the government is selling off forestry land to large and hungry customers like Ikea!
As you have read on previous blogs associated to this topic, the Baltic’s countries have been totally mad and have sold all their forest land to IKEA, not trees, but land that they sit on, so the Lithuanians who were once proud of their forests will in the not so distant future see massive price hikes at the government timber log actions for the logs that are left, and trust me, the ones that are left will not be the best ones.
Which means a price hike in every area. And means, you the cabin seller, will see a a 3×3 in the not so distant future costing in 28mm over 100 euros to buy ex works.
Log Cabins LV have over the last few years seen this coming and decided to change our buying, manufacturing keep our Eco credentials and manufacturing in a country that has one of the largest forests in this end of the world, are FSC certified, and where the timber is the best, plus there timber management system is flawless, also we are now able to offer 2002 pricing on our buildings, be them glulam, timber frame, and solid wood cabins starting at 44,mm and above. Just ask us and we will oblige.
If you are interested in joining the winning team then please do not hesitate to send us an email. Thanks for reading folks, I am not a journalist, so if this is a hard read for some, apologise, but sometimes it’s hard writing facts and making it enjoyable at the same time. (Actually this is for the Lithuanians a sad day because it means honestly an end to the cabin market here).
Best Regards, Have a nice Day!!
The Log Cabins LV Team….