To those that are avid readers of my blog, please excuse my absence; I am sure you are all aware we are now at busy time, and putting paper to pen, or one finger typing and committing myself to thinking of something new to chat about is quite hard sometimes.
A few people have asked me why I slag the mass manufacturers off so much, as they are needed to satisfy the hordes that want a cheap log cabin to put up in the garden just to store away the garden furniture or the BBQ, or the trampoline after summer has gone.
Well my answer to that is, it’s a waste of timber, it’s a waste of money, and it’s covering up what could be a nice part of the lawn, plus who wants a cheap cabin for all the neighbors, friends to see when they come visiting or peering over the fence!
Log Cabins have been in the UK gardens now for almost 15 years, and in this time, we as a company have tried desperately to up the game, and manufacture a quality cabin at a good price.
There are amazing companies from Poland –Europe- Baltic’s, Scandinavia that manufacture superb quality log cabins, but the prices are sadly incredibly high.
And as everything is price driven, these amazing log cabins hardly ever see their way into a normal family garden.
So we are left with the bulk mass manufactured crap!
What we did was design a cabin range, the Deluxe Range, and offer everything we could, superb timber, superb manufacturing, superb windows and doors, topped of with a superb price.
We are now finding this range is blasting ahead, we had a few minor issues, one of which is that the doors in particular are manufactured to a very high standard, and I mean a high standard, but we had a complaint they were not aesthetic enough. We took this on board and have added some more trim, plus we have had to retrain our fitters, as most fitter run from job to job, and when in doubt nail the problem away, we have stopped this, and have shown our new fitting groups how to build a quality cabin, taking their time, and leaving the cabin erected and fit for purpose, and of course looking superb.
If you want to purchase a quality log cabin, and you are fed up with going to one supposedly log cabin super store after another selling the same as the last, and the same as the next one, then please speak to us, we have the largest range of log cabins in the world, we are able to bespoke and really offer a quality log cabin that does not cost the earth.
The photo attached is of one of our Deluxe Range log Cabins, the customer was so impressed with the quality of his cabin, he asked our guys if they would completely remodel his garden around it, ((about time))..
The cabin will last only as long as the windows and doors, these are their achilles heal, we have designed, manufactured, and offer certified residential type windows and doors in our New Deluxe Range of Cabins.

quality log cabins