New BS 3632 Park Homes
If you are looking to purchase a residential building, be it a park home timber frame or a just a simple timber frame house, then you need to be aware of the new EU building regulations that are coming into force in 2020 December.
These new regulations will completely supersede the now pathetic building regulations and energy efficiency which are now used in the EU. And these new building regulations will change the type of construction used from brick to timber in a big way!
As we have seen the government has over the last 4 months changed the BS 3632 adding more insulation to the once pathetic build, but it is still again even though they changed it inadequate and still very substandard, making the buildings that are built under this reformed BS 3632 build regulation cheap and still nasty, and not worth a damn after 10 years.
Why the government does not make park homes and static caravans conform to full build regulations is beyond me, must be that someone somewhere has his hand in government kickbacks and election contributions.
Whichever, the new EU build regulations cannot be ignored, and I for one will push that all dwelling homes, be them park homes or static caravans, conform to this new build reg. Its about time we started selling buildings that not just increase in value, but will be incredibly cheap to run, and help our environment. I just do not understand why the government is so against making park homes energy efficient?
The large park home owners will be very emotional about this, as the days of ripping pensioners off for millions of pounds will stop dead, and it will be the pensioners that actually earn!
As we have said in many past blogs, the government needs to start doing more to help the park homeowners and protect their investments.
Most park home structures are absolute crap, the interior looks amazing, but that’s where the con is, the body of the building, frame work, amount of insulation, the quality of build is without doubt, complete and utter rubbish, as most park homes are built with some kind of timber fiber board, and the windows and doors are cheap and nasty, bought on price not quality!
I could go on for an hour telling you why the BS 3632 IS A RIP OFF but I think most of you have understood my feeling with the little I have already written.
When you go to all park home websites you will notice one thing, they do not write anywhere actually how the park home is constructed, and constructed with what!
Our Timber Cabins-Park Homes- Residential Buildings are built using C24 graded timber; we also use a mixture of different insulations, and all our windows and doors are hand made and are certified by BM Trada.
Our framework starts off at a finished 320mm, our passive panels finish at 474mm, this kind of framework is way over sized to what is offered on the market at present, but its what we consider to be a quality standard panel size.
If you are looking for a quality park home to live in that is quite simply better than anything offered on the web then logcabinslv.co.uk is the company to speak to.