What really makes a Residential Log Cabin a residential?
If you have noticed, there are loads of bulk manufacturing log cabin manufacturers trying desperately to get into the residential cabin market, but sadly their cabins are not residential, they are not even slightly residential, and to many people are falling foul of this!
I have decided to write a lengthy blog regarding this as it really is a gray area in this industry!
Firstly, a 44mm x 44mm Twin Skin Log Cabin will never meet building regulations, EVER
The structural calculations for this type of wall is insufficient for weight bearing loads. It will never meet the U values required, and lastly, its not a residential log, it’s a garden building log!
We were the first to ever offer twin skin garden log cabins about 10 years ago, way before any of these bulk manufacturing mills were even in business, and we decided then that the twin skin in 44mm x 44mm was great for a 5m x 5m insulated garden office, nothing more.
However, as always there are stupid people in this cabin industry who believe it’s all right to con the public and add the word residential to a large cabin.
Regardless how much insulation you add to the walls, the 44mm x 44m twin skin cabin will never meet building regulations, this thickness of logs will not even meet the pathetic park home, caravan lower build regulation which is the BS3632.

I have so many times over many years told people this, but sadly, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are not well versed, and they just look at the price and buy, believing whatever they are told is the truth.
Yes you guessed what comes next, the very next day they are told to take it down, or it fails the inspection or it leaks, etc, and they lose their savings.
What I find hard to believe is why people are so stupid and do not ask the right questions?

Here is a fine example, a 65 sq meter cabin in 44 mm x 44mm and costs £22.000, installation costs £3500, and if you want awful PVC windows and doors the cost for these are £2000.
So for a garden cabin that does not come to any building regulation, the cost for this is 35.000 Euros. And because they use the word (RESIDENTIAL) the public think they are getting a quality home and bob’s your uncle they get a large garden cabin that is not fit for purpose.
A Residential Building, be it Brick, Log or Timber Frame, must be built to a high standard to get the nametag, Residential.
There is no short cuts, or cheap ways around it!
Too many Bulk Manufacturing Mills manufacture today, and go out of business tomorrow! Your guarantee is useless, and 99.9% of the time so is the cabin you bought!
To get a cabin to a residential spec, and U values you must firstly start with a structural log, and most quality mills start with a certified Glulam log in 80mm x 200mm and then using a dove tail joint they join to the two walls together, however by using the dove tailing method the cold bridging is kept to a bare minimum and also allows the walls to move independently. Which means weight bearing rafters can sit on the internal wall, not external, keeping the roof in sync with the movement of the building.
OK Next, roof on 44 mm x 44mm twin skins are not real roofs, they are actually garden cabin roofs, which have been changed slightly to accommodate insulation.
Manufacturing a real roof for a real Residential Cabin, is not just purlins, some roof boards, a 50mm insulation stiff board and that’s it
But a real residential roof has purlins, rafters and structural calculations attached.
Plus the insulation would normally be about 300mm minimum, not 50mm.
In addition, the floor would not just be 50mm of insulation under 28mm T&G floor.

Insulation on a residential would be minimum 200mm under the floor.

And lastly, the windows and doors, must be certified, CE and BM Trada if they offer them. When windows and doors are certified they act differently in fire, they do not twist, or bend, PVC windows melt.
But handmade glulam windows and doors do not, and they work well in an emergency! There are so many factors to take into consideration when choosing a Residential log cabin, I know that price for many of you is the main key factor of purchase, but it’s better to buy the best, than to have your building condemned by building control and the factory, or reseller, telling you that it is not their fault and putting the phone down.

Remember the saying, buy cheap buy twice!
If you really want a residential log cabin and you really want to have the best of the best, and
know that what you have bought is fit for purpose, please speak to us. We can offer honest advice and help you move in the right direction.
Log Cabins LV the sensible choice!
Please visit our Web site..Click Here..