Passive Micro Houses

Cladding Brick Slips with Siberian Larch or Siberian Pine.

Usable Micro Compact Homes at amazing prices!!

Micro Houses

Passive Housing Micro Houses

Log Cabins from means quality at every level, but if you are looking for a Micro House, then please have a look at our new and amazing range of fully insulated timber framed Micro Housing.

Micro Houses - Quality Micro Housing

Micro Houses-Micro Housing- Micro Timber Frame House

Micro Houses

Micro Houses

Micro Houses are not just a great way of avoiding paying extortionate rent, they are also designed in exactly the same way a normal house would be built, just in a Micro Version. Our Micro Houses unlike 99.9% of other Micro Houses on the Internet are not some bits and bobs stuck, nailed and zip tied together, we offer a full compliant building, to building regulations.

Micro Houses

Micro Houses

Our Micro Houses can run on the latest Eco heating technology systems, and can offer many tens of years of fantastic service, and if you want to sell it, we have designed our micro houses to come apart, and be moved on. We are also able to offer the first Passive micro housing units. Yep! Passive, with triple glazing, low energy bills and clad in northern Siberian Larch! Please send us an email to find you’re nearest dealer on our Micro Houses or fantastic value Log cabins., do not settle for less!

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..