All the timber that we manufacture our log cabins and timber buildings are sourced from responsibly managed, government controlled FSC certified boreal forests, stretching throughout northern Baltic and Siberia regions.
Which suggests that this timber is intrinsically quality (please see our previous posts on the kinds of trees and forests that our timber is sourced from). However to get quality construction and cladding or decking lumber might still be a bit of a challenge. That intrinsic value can be wasted during stages in the chain from the foresters to us.
At Log Cabins LV our biggest concern has always been quality and that’s why our brand is now recognized as the quality mark. The location of our production facilities, which are metaphorically and literally speaking next to the forest, which allows us to be incredibly picky. We don’t waste money on shipping timber around far from where it is sourced and we can afford buying only top class timber logs and lumber yet still remain competitive with our production pricing. In addition, our ECO foot print is so very, very low compared to other manufactures.
We have been manufacturing timber buildings for the industry for many years and we have learned how to pick our suppliers of sawn KD carcassing to get the best of the best in timber stocks for our log cabins and timber buildings.
After buying our sawn KD timber, we continue to inspect the quality of each and every piece of timber before and during the production. All of that ensures quality of the final product, as our customers deserve the very best! do not settle for less!