In recent years, Log Cabins LV has witnessed an increasing numbers of customers asking us about the origin of our timber that we use on our production lines and timber buildings.
Quite a lot of people now ask for PEFC or FSC Timber, and more and more people are asking if our timber is controlled by government sources, which is to us far more important than a profit organisation trying to control the worlds timber supply, and earn a pound from every log cut, and 99.9% of the staff that work in these organisations never having set foot in a forest!
Consumers, companies and government institutions demand that all timber products are made from appropriately managed FSC-PEFC Timber resources.
We at Log Cabins LV manufacture all our products from timber that we get from FSC-PEFC certified and of course government forest suppliers. Be it solid log cabins, residential timber frame buildings, mobile park homes, garden log cabins, laminated timber buildings, camping pods or a interlocking garden storage shed.
Same goes for our superb quality windows and doors. FSC-PEFC certificate tells us that the supplier is responsible, which means it is socially beneficial, economically viable and environmentally appropriate. It also proves that every other company in chain of custody is FSC certified and that certified material was kept segregated from non-certified material.
Up until 2012 august FSC has certified 157 million hectares of forest in the world. Most of it (131 Million hectares) spans throughout northern America and Europe, including Russia. More than half of those forests are coniferous forests also known as taiga or boreal forest. And this is one of the regains we source our timber from.
Our Siberian larch timber is sourced from northern Russia FSC-PEFC certified forests and spruce, pine as well as different kinds of hardwood from Baltic forests where all public forests and majority of private forests are FSC certified as well.
We treat our timber responsibly and use it to manufacture top quality products.
Take a look at our massive range of over 4000 timber buildings-log cabins-interlocking sheds.
We use Northern Siberian larch for most of our cladding on our residential insulated timber frame buildings and camping pods.
Our windows and doors are also manufactured from the very best quality joinery red (pine) which is at a 9% moisture content and means our log cabins windows and doors are with out doubt the best in the industry for this type of building..
FSC is an international, not for profit, independent, nongovernment organisation to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.
Sadly, there is a profit part of this organisation, which we feel has no part in the forest! Trust a little company in the middle of nowhere to try to make money from every log cut in the world! And its because of this small inconspicuous part of the company that runs the FSC- badge, that we still have illegal logging, as getting an FSC chain of custody certificate, costs thousands of pounds! ((way too much))..
Today FSC has more than 460 members in 60 countries around the world. FSC established one of most noted forest certification programs recognised and supported by organisations like World Wide Fund for Nature and Greenpeace.
Yet we at think it could be a better organisation if they removed the profit part, and kept it as a charity as it was meant to be, helping the forest, and not their pockets!
Please visit our Web site..Click Here..