Monthly Archives: August 2014

Glulam Garages in 80mm

Just a quick Blog Tonight, my thought are on 80mm glulam garages.

Glulam Log Cabin Garages are the next step forward for us at LV. We believe in offering a quality building, and we have found over the many years that we have been manufacturing buildings of all descriptions that glulam buildings are with out doubt the King of Log Cabin construction.

Glulam cabins from are with out doubt the best on the market, and with the largest production line of its kind in Europe we are the only company in the log cabins market to offer a grade of C32 to C40.

If you are thinking of buying a timber garage and are looking for something that will last the test of time, please send us an email, and we will ask our specialist in this construction type to give you a call.

Quality 80mm glulam garages

Glulam 80mm garages

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Glulam Log Cabin Cricket Pavilion.

And there is More, big thanks goes out to David for these amazing photos of a 120mm Glulam Cricket Pavilion.

This amazing glulam cabin has been up for about 2 months now, and in that time, the club that owns it has already managed to rent it out 3 nights a week. Our Cabins-Glulam Cabins are with out doubt the best quality, highest graded glulam cabins on the market.

Having specialised LV dealers whom understand  glulam log cabins, also building regulations, and structural calculations is nothing but a plus, plus, plus for the end user!

Quality Log Cabins are rare to find, especially for a good price. But at log cabins LV you can be sure that every log cabins, glulam cabin, timber frame cabins are the best they can be.

Do not settle for less.

Glulam Cricket Pavillions log cabins 5 Glulam Cricket Pavillions log cabins 6 Glulam Cricket Pavillions log cabins 7


These links below will take you to the largest Glulam ranges of Log Cabins on the WEB!


We can offer the following and more!

Glulam Log Cabins

Glulam Log Cabin

Glulam Cabins

Glulam Cabin

Timber Buildings

Timber Garden Buildings

Glulam Garden Buildings

Glulam Garden Cabins

Glulam Garden Log Cabins

Glulam Garden Insulated Buildings

Glulam Insulated Garden Offices

Glulam Quality Log Cabins

Cheap Quality Log Cabins

Glulam Self Build Log Cabins

Glulam Log Cabin Kits

Glulam Log Cabins For Sale UK

Please view our extensive online gallery.

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..

Log Cabins in Cheshire-Liverpool-Manchester-And Surrounding areas.

We would like to Welcome  as a new LV sole dealer. Solid Log Cabins UK has a huge range of solely product. Unlike other dealerships in the area Andy decided to offer the LV range over price and quality. We asked Andy why he wanted to only sell our products, and what he would like to comment on our blog!

Over the years we at Solid Log Cabins, have tried many different cabin suppliers, and what we found was has  the largest range of cabins in the indusrty, the service, the customer respect, and above all else the price. The windows and doors in our new range of Glulam cabins are not just good, they are amazing, and the timber is fantastic. We are more than happy to solely sell this manufacturer and be a dedicated LV dealer. We have 2 very large show sites, and a third opening in a few months. We service Cheshire – Manchester- Birmingham and the surrounding areas. Thanks LV for giving us the opportunity. 

Thanks for all the kind words Andy! So if you are in the Birmingham, Manchester or Cheshire area and you are looking for log cabins, then please call Andy.

residential log cabins in cheshire

log cabins in cheshire


Please visit our Web site..Click Here..


120mm Glulam laminated log cabin Internal Photos

Big Shout Out To David! Thanks for the Photos……

As I am sure a few of you remembered the 120mm glulam sports pavilion we built last month, here are so amazing internal photos. What you should notice is the thickness of the purlins, central and each side, also the weight bearing purlins running down the middle from back to front. As you will notice these are completely an over kill in size, but we believe in always manufacturing our glulam log cabins to be ready for all things mother nature may think to bruise or batter them!

Glulam cabins from are not just quality, they also come with a  remarkable price tag, our bespoke windows and doors and all manufactured on our Weinig new window and door line. The quality of our windows and doors is amazing. Bespoke Sizes available, also we offer a full bespoke glulam design log cabins survice.

120 mm glulam log cabins

120mm glulam cabin


quality glulam cabins

laminated glulam log cabin interior

Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 03 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 05 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 06 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 07 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 08 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 09 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 10 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 11 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 12 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 13 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 14 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 15 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 16 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 17 Glulam Log Cabins - Log Cabins LV- 18

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..

Quality Glulam Log Cabins

When purchasing any log cabin, be it Solid Log, Laminated, or Scandinavian, always check the dimensions of the weight bearing timbers. (Important)

As you can see here, we use, 120mm x 600mm rafters to hold up our roof, this is a serious over kill, but when you are paying less, and getting more, we know come wind or snow, your roof is going to stand the test of time.

Glulam Cabins

Quality Built Glulam Cabins-Buildings


Please visit our Web site..Click Here..


Timber Frame Highly Insulated Bungalows

Timber Frame Housing


Designing new and amazing Cabins, Log Cabins, Pods, and Laminated Cabins is great fun, but today we thought we would share with you our thoughts on the future of the Good Old fashioned Bungalow.

In the UK there are hundreds of thousand Bungalows, Brick and Block, heated by gas, most of which are sadly very poorly insulated, and designed for a bygone year!

So we decided to re-invent the good old-fashioned Bungalow, a Bungalow that would be super efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and would allow the owner to be proud of his-her property. Plus fitted out with all the modern gadgets.

Please feast your eyes on the future of Passive Bungalows!

Heat Source Pumps to get rid of all those nasty gas bills.

Quality Timber Frame structure. Siberian Larch Cladding. Built in Elements.

A Sedum Room.

And a copious amount of Insulation.

And an amazing Logcabins.LV design to boot.

The walls of this amazing little bungalow are nearly 350mm thick, packed with insulation. The roof is a staggering 450mm thick, with a sedum roof to give your property that back to the nature feel.

All in all, this quality structure is the future, and we are happy to participate in offering this kind of natural living space into public domain.

passive bungalows

quality Bungalow highly insulated

Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   02 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   03 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   04 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   05 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   06 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   07 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   08 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   09 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   10 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   11 Timber Frame Highly Insulated Passive Bungalows   12



Please visit our Web site..Click Here..

Camping Pods UK

New Mega Camping Pods by log cabins LV

Camping Pods

The Only True Mega Pods in the Industry

The Widest, Highest, Longest Camping Pods Available!

Only from


Logcabins.LV is not just the number one name in all things log and timber frame, we are also the leaders in producing, designing Mega Quality Camping Pods. The first true Camping pod design came from the Toda tribe from India in the 18th century , since then, many have claimed fame to this unique design, but sadly, geographical design and age is the true owner,

You now are able to purchase camping pods that really are a 5 Star Standard.

We as a company always like to better, and offer the public-trade- an experience that is dynamic in every sense. For too long camping pods have been small, narrow and claustrophobic, way too compact, treating customers like mice, fitting them out with a shower and toilet in a floor foot print no bigger than 8 ft x 6 ft shed, and calling these luxury Mega Camping Pod holiday accommodation units? We call then a joke and a disgrace. Everyone in the business knows that never copies, we innovate, we look for the solution and then we look at design, safety and then price. Our distinctive designs are key features to most holiday parks, and quality is paramount through the whole process, which means our customers return year after year. To our credit we have two of the worlds largest Camping Pod Parks for children under our belt! Manufacturing Camping Pods for children is all about safety of design.

So what’s New for 2014, well! If you follow the link supplied on this page, you will see over 50 designs for camping Pods, we now have the largest most innovative camping pod range-designs in the world. (No doubt the others will copy)..

Our new range of camping pods are not just Wider, Higher, Longer, Better Built than the competition, they are also finished and ready to use when delivered to site. They are what’s called in the Business a top shelf product! Please follow this link to view our manufacturing facilities. Unlike any other manufacturer of Camping Pods, we are a manufacturer of Quality Timber Frame Housing working under the Tek10 build code, so you can be sure that the Camping Glamping Pod you receive is manufactured by skilled carpenters, not from some guy in a converted garage!

Our New Range of Luxury Camping Pods will give your customer an amazing experience, fitted with Window dormers or Velux SkyLight Windows, which is a first for camping pods, our aim is not to compact the public, but to offer them a quality camping experience that they will tell their friends. If you are looking for quality camping pods that will set you apart from the Tent Sites, then please send us an email.

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Camping Pods UK

manufacturer Of Camping Pods UK

Camping Pods 2014  067 Camping Pods 2014  068

best camping pods in the UK

manufacturing of camping pods

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Manufacturing Camping Pods UK

Quality Camping Pods

Camping Pods 2014  103 Camping Pods 2014  104  camping Pods


Please visit our Web site..Click Here..


quality twin skin log cabins by

Building a log Cabin!


log cabins lv

twinskin cabin

twinskin log cabins

pine boards for log cabin internal roof

quality internal log cabin roof

twinskin logcabins

buildings a twin skin log cabins

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Log Cabins  328 Log Cabins  332 Log Cabins  336 Log Cabins  340 Log Cabins  344 Log Cabins  348 Log Cabins  352 Log Cabins  364

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..

Quality Log Cabins by

Here are some new photos kindly given to use by We are able to offer many different styles of cabins, be that a garden office, or a nail bar, as the only manufacturer to be able to offer all our 3000 designs in numerous thicknesses and different build type, be that a quality timber frame house- garden home office or home gym, glulam laminated log cabins or round hand made scandinavian log cabins! Over the years we have designed thousands of different buildings, and as each day passes we add more designs  to our range.

If you are looking for a bespoke design log cabin, timber frame garden office, Residential Cabin, A quality Park Home, please do not hesitate to send us an email.

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Please visit our Web site..Click Here..


Clock House Log Cabins

There are so many clock house log cabins on the market, all of them are a copy of our original, and we are always telling people to be watch out for awful copies. Here is one reason why, if you look at the first photo you will notice the purlins are pathetically small, and cut into the apex at 45 degrees! This means Mr Gravity wins, as the purlins once put into an apex at 45 degrees only work 50%, and with small purlins to start with, you are going to get a very saggy dangerous roof!

You will notice our purlins, ( second Photo down) are double in size to the awful copies on the internet, and cut 90 degree’s into the apex, which gives you 100% of the purlin holding up the roof!

Our advice to you, is please fill out our form to find a dealer and speak to a specialist that knows about construction, and timber buildings. Unlike 99.9% of companies on the internet selling massed produced rubbish log cabins, we actually care about our customers, design and safety first before price.

Pathetically slim-cheap  Purlins! ( sat in apex at 45 degrees, ) (Who ever manufacturers a clock house log cabin like this was thinking money first, and safety be dammed!)

clock house log cabins

clock house cabins by

Double thick purlins! Cut into Apex at 90 degrees, safety before price. Only from

amazing clock house cabins


Please visit our Web site..Click Here..


Log Cabins DF Range


A big shout out to uk-logcabins for the photos!!


Our superb quality, and amazing designs, makes our DF range possibly the best selling log cabin range in the UK. Our log cabins doors and windows in 44mm and above are not just good, they are are fantastic for the price bracket they are in. All are hand made and all are manufactured with care. Unlike 99.9% of companies on the Internet that sell Log Cabins, we are completely different in so far as we do not stock pile them, as stock pilling cabins means they were produced in the slow period, thats over the winter month  and then sold in the summer period, which means your cabin has had 6 cabins placed on top or yours if you are unlucky, also it means the timber has been stressed and this equals all the worst signs for a disastrous cabin. manufacturers all cabins fresh from order, we bespoke log cabins daily, so if you have a desire to have the door moved, or add a window bespoke is our middle name. As you will have noticed we have the largest range in the world of log cabins, sadly most of our log cabins designs have been stolen by most back street mills, ( our clock house log cabins) is one of them, also the Twin Skin log cabin system is another. If you are looking for quality, then there is only really one choice. Do not settle for less.

quality log cabins by

log cabins
bespoke log cabins

log cabins df range 11 log cabins df range 20 log cabins df range 29 log cabins df range 38 log cabins df range 47



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