Kota Cabins-BBQ Cabins New from Logcabinslv

I am always accused of taking something and making it better, so in this case what we have done to the BBQ Cabin design is not only good, But!!! actually Great!

BBQ Cabins are with out doubt a great place to have a family gathering, a great place for a birthday party, or a gathering of many, or just a relaxing place for a quite romantic night, With our new KotaCabin we have given generous space for movement, copious amounts of light, and still keeping the essence of a Kota-BBQ Cabin feel. Our design really does offer luxury, safety, and quality, manufactured  from Timber frame, with Full thermal Insulation, Residential Type Double Glazed, Tilt and Turn, toughened glass windows and doors and a choice of external cladding from Siberian Larch to Pine or Spruce, KotaCabin from www.logcabinslv.co.uk really is the only sensible choice.

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Quality BBQ Lodges from logcabinslv.co.uk


bbq cabins

BBQ Huts from logcabinslv.co.uk


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